Tom lives f--- from the school,so he usually g--- to school b-- bike. 請根據句子的意思及首寫字母寫出正確的單詞.

Tom lives f--- from the school,so he usually g--- to school b-- bike. 請根據句子的意思及首寫字母寫出正確的單詞.

1,far 2,goes 3,by

Mary lives_____the country,but Tom lives ____the city.填什麼介詞

at,at the country,在鄉村的小地方用at;in,in the city,在都市的大地方用in

Tom Lives f______from school,so he has the longest journey.


The hospital is next to the post office.I found a tall man follow a girl a long time yesterday 上同(用英語改寫句子):Most children are frightened of dogs.I can't decide when toleave.Hetaught me how to read thewords.Pleaseshow where tolive.Haveyou got an idea which one to choose?(請回答的先生,小姐們快點,

The hospital is near the post office.A tall man was found to follow a girl a long time by meyesterday.Mostchildren are afraid of dogs.I can't decide when I shouldleave.Hetaught me how I should rea…

she will go back to office next Monday,求翻譯,


翻譯the office ordered the man to fire at the enemy


The office is next to the library.(對next to the library提問)答:——-it the office? 不是is是it!

那就沒見過了可能出錯了Where is the office?

my time__a lot in the last few days had lost or has lost

has lost
只要有the last few days就用現在完成時.

in a few day's time 外研社書蟲系列《傲慢與偏見》204頁,第二行 In a few day's time they were relieved to receive a letter from Mr Gardiner,but . “in a few day's我認為應該是in a few days' time

對,相信自己,a few days是幾天複數,後面加is應該用你的是對的,西西咱老師都講過奧,沒專心聽講吧啊哈哈

直接引語變間接引語時用in two days' time還是two days later代替the day after tomorrow? 直接引語變間接引語時用in two days' time還是two days later代替the day after tomorrow?如果主句為一般現在時還用替換掉tomorrow?

two days later,
in two days' time一般應該用於將來時態