It's worth nothing that It's worth nothing that sold more Kindles (at least 500,000) in its first year of sales than Apple sold iPods in its first year(378,000). It's worth noting that Amazon's first year sales of kindles (at least 500000) exceeded Apple's (378000) iPods in the first year Why does it's worth nothing that is translated as "noteworthy" instead of "meaningless"?

It's worth nothing that It's worth nothing that sold more Kindles (at least 500,000) in its first year of sales than Apple sold iPods in its first year(378,000). It's worth noting that Amazon's first year sales of kindles (at least 500000) exceeded Apple's (378000) iPods in the first year Why does it's worth nothing that is translated as "noteworthy" instead of "meaningless"?

It should be changed from "nothing" to "notifying". If the printing error is wrong and the sales volume is high, it should be noted

Find it worth nothing I know I can Be worth nothing and then worth doing adj But what about the word in this sentence

Worth is an adjective that complements the object it
I found it difficult to learn this
It's the same with difficult

English translation

If you want to follow his advice, there's nothing to talk about

It means that nothing that is worth doing can be gained

After the subject verb means is that causing object clause, where nothing is the subject, can be gained is the predicate verb, that is wrong doing is the attribute of nothing
It means that nothing worth doing will be rewarded

They are sure that she will win

The leading word of object clause can be omitted

I'm sure (that) and I'm not sure if / where There is urgent need to give the master as detailed as possible grammar analysis! I'm not sure if / whether

I'm sure that you're very handsome
I'm not sure
Sure is an adjective meaning "yes, of course". It is often used to answer a general question, which is equal to yes or Certainly.sure How to use:
(1) Be sure + infinitive. It is often used in imperative sentences to express requirements, meaning "be sure, please be certain"
I think he's coming,but I'm not quite sure.
Be sure to telephone me and give me all the news.
(2) Be sure + of or about It is often used to express "people's views on something", which refers to the subjective view
Are you sure of that meeting?He is sure about this answer.
(3) Be sure + be sure + clause I'm sure
I'm sure that he is coming to help me.
The teacher is sure that these books are interesting.
(4) Make sure "means" be sure "or" be sure "and can be followed by of or about or the infinitive or that clause
I made sure (that) he was badly ill.
Will you make sure of his return?
Make sure to come to the party on time.

May I riding your bike? Yes, sure May I ride your bike? Yes, sure. But the answer is riding

It must be ride
May is a modal verb, which must be followed by the original form of the verb
You did the right thing, but the answer was wrong
I'm sure.

I’m sure that your letter will get attention.They know you’re waiting for the reply.ks5u ks5u A.continued B.immediate C.careful D.general ks5u ks5u Why B?

Immediate means immediately
I'm sure your letter will get attention soon

will you come to my birthday party?yes____ A I'd love to B I'm going to C I want to D I'm loving to

Select a
When someone asks you "would you like to..." If you agree, you should answer "yes, I'd like to."
That's it

Would you like to come to my birthday party? A, sure. I'd love to. B, no, I don't want to go C、NO,i have no time.

A、Sure.I'd love to.
Would you like to come to my birthday party?
Of course, I'd like to
If you refuse, you can't be as direct as BC, but more euphemistic
I 'love to, but I have to something else