I don't know if he will ___ (come) back.If he___ (come)please tell me The answer is will come, come I don't know if he will come? What's more, why don't you use the future tense?

I don't know if he will ___ (come) back.If he___ (come)please tell me The answer is will come, come I don't know if he will come? What's more, why don't you use the future tense?

I don't know if he will 【come】 back.If He [comes], please tell me

I will tell you as soon as he _______ (come back). Please tell me some grammar knowledge for me. I filled in comes back. What I think is that this inverse problem is an adverbial clause of time. It uses the present tense to express the future. I will be grateful,

Your answer is right. Believe in yourself

I will come to see you as soon as I will be back

Sick sentences
It is important for the master to be present
Change to
i will come to see you as soon as i am back
I'll see you as soon as I get back

I'm sure he will come tomorrow____ Tomorro. To use sure

sure to come

I am not sure either he will come back soon?

I'm not sure (we he will come back soon)? I'm not sure (we he will come back soon)? I don't know (how to speak these words)

I am not sure --he will come back . I am not sure -- he will come here. --- he comes here, please let me know Athat,When Bthat,If Cif,Whether Dwhether,When

If he comes, please let me know, or when he comes, please let me know The second sentence does not have the interrogative mood, so it is excluded that C

When will he come to see you?

When will he come to see you?

He will come to see you t____ In a hurry


Will you come to the dinner party?I won't come until Jim___ . A.will be belived B.can be belived C.invited D.is invited

I won't come until Jim is invited.
Is engaged is passive
I won't be at the dinner unless Jim is invited

Come to see me,____ A.don't you B.would you.C.Will you.D .won't you fast

1. The first sentence is an imperative sentence, its subject should be you, so C is excluded
2. Imperative sentence is to ask others to do something. What they do will exist in the future
3. Do is usually a statement rather than an imperative when it is used as an auxiliary verb
So we use D