The river is very wide.None of us ( ) swim across it .A.can B.could able to to When the boat sank,he ( )swim to the bank. A.can B.could C.was able to able to

The river is very wide.None of us ( ) swim across it .A.can B.could able to to When the boat sank,he ( )swim to the bank. A.can B.could C.was able to able to

The river is very wide.None of us ( A) swim across it .A.can B.could able to to
When the boat sank,he ( C )swim to the bank.
A.can B.could C.was able to able to
Can and be able to both have the meaning of can and can, but be able to has more tense forms. Can has only general and past tense forms. In the first question, if you want to select the answer C, it should be is able to. In the second question, the tense is past tense, which means that the subject has the ability to do something. I think C is more suitable than B!

Sometimes he -----(miss)being able to walk or run.

Miss, sometimes he misses being able to walk or run

What does it mean to be a brother is even better then being a superhero

Sometimes it's better to be a brother than a superhero

Being able to is my hobby?

Doing all things is my hobby

Being able to wait is a sign of true love and patience. Anyone can say she loves you but not everyone can wait for you.

Any one can say she loves you but not everyone can wait for you

Am she is but neither able nor skate to I you

Neither you nor I am able to skate,but she is.

She is able to run faster than I am How to understand the "I am" of this sentence; why not she is able to run faster than me,

Some people think that this is a preposition, so it should be a conjunction

then she won t be able to see the card.

Then she won't see the card

She was't able to play basketball 、、、、 Next year should be used to rewrite the sentence she_ play basketball next year There are four horizontal lines I am from Suzhou

The correct answer is:
She (won't be able to) play basketball next year.
Just four horizontal lines!

He is afraid to swim in the river.=He ____ ____ ____ swim in the river .

doesn't dear to
Dear do sth
To do sth