How to use be sure

How to use be sure

1) He is sure to have known about that

I will write to you as soon as I arrive there?

I'll write to you as soon as I get there

be sure to call me as soon as you arrive there. translate

Be sure to call me as soon as you get there
Don't know how to ask questions*^__ ^*Please accept, thank you!

He will write to you as soon as he (gets) there. Why fill in gets instead of will get

because you aleady used will in the first part

She will write to you as soon as she ___ (get)there.

She will write to you as soon as she _ gets__ (get)there.

r___ to write to me soon when you get there


Will you promise to write to me?

Will you promise to write to me?

Promise me you to write will?

Will you promise to write to me?
You will promise to write to me

Will you promise not to discard me if i tell you the truth?

Will you promise not to discard me if i tell you the truth?
Answer: if I tell you the truth, can you promise not to abandon me?

If you promise to go with us ,_ Will be OK A as B which C what D that It's mainly the difference between C and D. why can't C

Both clauses are clauses
What will be OK is an interrogative sentence