Open please the keep door

Open please the keep door

Please keep the door open

Use open to door the key can the we

We Can Use The Key To Open The Door.

The conjunction "air, door, door"

Air open the door and the room.

The eggs over are box some in there

Some eggs in the box are over there.
There are some eggs in the box over there

They, in, pencil box, think, are, I, her It is helpful for the respondent to give an accurate answer

I think they are in her pencil-box.

They, got, some, have, eggs

(1) they ,got ,some ,have ,eggs
They have got some eggs.
(2) my .food ,and ,drink ,favourite ,rice ,and ,are ,water
My favourite food and drink are rice and water.
(3) milk ,is ,healthy ,drink ,a
Milk is a healthy drink.
(4) like ,Chinese,we,tea
We like Chinese tea.
(5) healthy ,aren't ,hamburger ,food,and,candy
Candy and hamburger aren't healthy food.

They, in, pencil -- box, think, are, I, her

As follows:
I think they are in her pencil box .

Five they only are dollars

They are only five dollars

There are pencils many how

how many pencils are there?

— How many pencils are there in your pencil box、?— __ .——It's empty. A.Some B.Many C.None D.A few Explain the reasons

Select C
None means No
Empty means empty, so C is not selected
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