That way of speaking is _____ people in this part of the country. A.particular with B.peculiar to C.particularly D.strange Why choose B? Please translate the whole sentence

That way of speaking is _____ people in this part of the country. A.particular with B.peculiar to C.particularly D.strange Why choose B? Please translate the whole sentence

Peculiar to means unique
This way of speaking is peculiar to people in this part of the country

A lot of people went to the hill in the south of the country for their holidays. Who can help me with this essay? My question is the first sentence of this essay

Many people go on holiday in the mountains in the south of the country

Singapore worries a lot about the fitness of its people.One -Third of the people in the country are overweight and about 6% of them arc too F 1 This fight a 2 unhealthy lifestyles starts in the schools.Everyone is educated about eating w 3 and taking exercise.Students Who weight is more than it should be are asked to join the school health club and take part in special activities to help them lose a couple of kilgorams. D 4 breaks they do not go to eat snacks,but to the school ha]] for some exercise.The school also talks to their parents to see if they can plan a healthier d 5 for the children.Sometimes the parents realize it is their cooking that c 6 the problem.Some children find it difficult to lose weight,but they're not allowed to give up.Fun and games are used to a 7 the students to running and jumping.Parents can print out a list of the food the child is eating and discuss it at home.Fitness classes may be held on Saturdays for those who need them.

1 fat 2 against 3 well 4 During 5 diet 6 causes 7 attract

a:what sports do you ____ ?b:i like ___ football.what ____ you?a:i like football and ____ .i really enjoy swimming. b:are you ___ to___ this afternoon? A: you want to come,___ ? b:____ i can not swim. a:come with me them.i am ____ you. b:you are a good ____ ,are not you?

a:What sports do you like?
What's your favorite sport?
b:I like playing football.What about you
I like playing football. How about you?
a:I like football and swim.I really enjoy swimming.
I like football and swimming. I really like swimming
b:Are you going to swim this afternoon?
Are you going to swim in the afternoon?
a:Sure,do you want to come,too?
Yes, would you like to go?
b:But I can not swim.
But I can't swim
a:Come with me then,I am teaching you.
Then come with me. I'll teach you
b:You are a good teacher,are not you?
You would be a good coach, wouldn't you?

Why don't you like football If it's a musical instrument, do you want to add s at the back, But why doesn't it have this one in front of it

The instrument should be added with the
Ball games without the
Football here can really be understood as play football
But questions like this are idiomatic
Remember, you don't have to go into it
English grammar is characterized by many special cases
Remember the basic ones, the special cases or separate ones
Don't care too much about why ha ~ little advice~

DO you like footbaii?you may say No but if i ask Do you know beckham?i,m sure the a-------?

Do you like football? You may say no, but if I ask you if you know Becks? I'm sure it will be?
It should be yes

Would you like to play football? And would you like to go to play football? Would you like to + verb prototype Would you like to play football? Would you like to go to play football? Which is right? What's the difference?

To say which is right, the former
In fact, both can be said
It's just that few people use such a troublesome expression now. Just say to play football

Yes'i do, l often play football

Yes, I often play football

Do you like play football

Change to:
Do you like playing football?
Do you like playing football?
Like doing sth

Why do you like playing football? Why do you like playing football

It's right to add the original form of the verb after do, because in this sentence, the verb after do is like rather than playing
But like as like, we should add the present participle, that is, the verb ing form
I'm clear enough,