There is some water in the bottle

There is some water in the bottle

There isn't any water in the bottle.
There is no water in the bottle.

There's some water in the bottle____ water in the bottle.

Is there any water in the bottle? Some

There ________ (be) some water in the bottle.

Water is an uncountable noun

There are some water in the bottle

How much water is there in the bottle?
I want to correct you a mistake, because "water" is an uncountable noun, so use "there is." instead of "are"
So use "how much" instead of "how many" in its questions“
Send will carry down, upstairs's also wrong

There are many pears ___ the tree.There are many birds ___ the tree. A.on,in,on,in D.on,on

On the trees themselves, and in for foreign things

How many birds are there in the tree?______ . A.A Little B.No one C.None D.Nobody


Look!There are many pears_ the tree and there are many birds _ (fill in or on)

On the tree, it means that there are things in the tree, such as fruits, flowers, etc
The apples are on the tree
The apple is in the tree
In the tree, things that don't belong to the tree are hidden in the tree. For example, people or animals climb on the tree
The cat is in the tree
The cat is in the tree

There are many birds in the sky?

There are many birds in the sky
What's in the sky?
What's in the sky?

There are many apples on the tree and there are many birds in the tree

1) On the tree, there are many birds on the tree

There is no water in the bottle? Does no change in a sentence? No in the sentence becomes any or no?

Is there any water in the bottle?