There are some apples on the tree

There are some apples on the tree

Are there any apples on the tree?

There are some apples on the table

Are there any apples on the table

There are some eggs in the fridge

Are there any eggs in the fridge?

We can see some kits in the sky

Can you see any kites in the sky?
In addition, we / I should be changed to you, and the rest will not change
For example: Jason is older than you. → is Jason older than you?

He can see some porridge in the bowl ____ he ____ _____ porridge in the bowl?

Can see any
If you change a sentence with can into a general question sentence, you can advance some into an affirmative sentence, and any is used in a negative sentence and a question sentence, so some must be changed into any

He can make some cakes

Can he make any cakes?

did you _____ your lost pen?A.look for B.find C.looked for D.found

Have you found your lost pen?
D, C is the past tense, so exclude it
Look for is to look for, but the question here is to find, so choose B

I lost my keys ,I have ___ (looked,looked for,found,founf out) it everywhere

looked for

In the morning ,I found my ID card___ (miss) .I looked for it everywhere

missing /lost /gone
All three are commonly used
In the morning, I found my ID card was gone. I looked everywhere

1.Can you ( )the key ( )the door?A.looked for;of B.find;to C.found;at D.look;at 2.( )a bank near the park?There are.There is There isn't Is there 3.He looked ( )the room and ( )a seat.for ;find at;see around;found in;see 4.She( )very pleased ( )his new ;to was;with were;about was;in

1 B
2 D Is there
3 B around ,found
4 B was with