she didn'teat anything this moringは受身語状態を変える。

she didn'teat anything this moringは受身語状態を変える。

Nothing was eaten by her this moning.

Jenny didn't buy anythingは同義語を書き換えます。

Jenny bougt nothing.
Jennnhas not bought anything.

She didn't tell me anythingはどうやって同義文に変えますか? この要求によると、She()me()

She tell me nothing.

英語の単語を空にします。1.Is there anything。in today's news paper.


初二の英語の単語はAs a teenager、there was nothing I likedを埋めます。 As a teenager、there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons on my grand father's……誰が原文を持っていますか

答え26-30 BBAD 31-35 CCADC 36-40 BDDBAC 41-45 BADDAAs a child、there was nothing I liked better than Sunday afternoons at my grand father’sfarm.Surroundedby milles of winding stone walls、the house pro…

there isまたはthere are there isまたはthere areで穴埋めします。 (____u u_)a problem with my ticket? (____u u_)any aislee seat available. (____u u_)a stopover in Frankfurt. (____u u_)any flights to Zurich tonight? 例えば、It’s a very small airport(there arn’t)any shop in the terminal.

(__Is there___u)a problem with my ticket?
(_)The e e re arn't_u u_u u u u u u u_)any aislee seat available.
(___The e e e e e e e is_u u_)a stopover in Frankfurt.
(__Aree there_u u_)any flights to Zurich tonight?

英語選択問題She didn't go there() more longer 英語の選択問題She didn't go there() more longer C.any moreの3つのフレーズの使い方には何の違いがありますか?

C.any moreを選択します
知識点:She didn't go there any moreイコールSheのlonger go there moreにはこういう言い方がありません。 longerを真ん中に置く

I didn't find the maths interesting.同義文 I___u umaths..。 I froound that maths_u_u u_u u_u uinteresting.

I froound that maths_uis_not_interesting.

I didn't find it intersting(同義文に変更)I find it_u______..。 私が書いたのは、I find it hadn't interstingの昔のクラスはちょっと違っています。でしょう!

so boring

my granny didn't find her way home yesterday

My granny failed to find her way home yesterday
My granny got lost when he was trying to get home yesterday