Nancy can't find her bike,so she goes to the teacher for help.の「for help」はどういう意味ですか?

Nancy can't find her bike,so she goes to the teacher for help.の「for help」はどういう意味ですか?


I can't find the key_u_u_u_u uthe bike、could you help me? B.of C.for D.with どれを選びますか

A key to sth固定コーデですね。

She can't find theway.Soshe asks the policeman_u_u_uhelp

ask sb for help=turn to sbは誰かに助けを求めます。

語形変換;You can help_u u_u u_u u(I)I can sing、but Nancy____u_(not)、She canダンス. 詳しくは読みますが、分かります。

You can help【me】
I can sing、but Nancy【can’t】、She canダンス.

find answer to these probleここのtoは何の効果がありますか?

ここtoは口語英語の中に多くのこのような組み合わせ(名詞A+to+名詞B)answer to the question(問題の答え)the key to the door/…(ドアの鍵は、「.の鍵」という意味です)the way to…the home to…(家の家)これらは全部固定配合です。

simillare to X-ray and she wanted to find new uses for these raysの中国語


21.1 She will have to find some other work for she can't_u_u_u_u u_uthis loud noise any more. up with B.keep up with C.grow up with D.put up with 22 Will you_u u_u u_u u_u umy article to find out whether I've made any mistakes? A.look into B.look through C.see to D.see through 23.Though we have spent two nights in_u_u_u u_u uthe problem,we still can't find a solution. A.working in B.working out C.working up D.working on 24.ウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェウェブ・グウpaper andink.AskMr.Howardto lend us some. away with off out of down 25.-Smoking is bad for your health. -はい、Iknow.ButI simply can't__u_u_u u_u u_u u u u u..。 A.give it up B.give it in C.give it out D.give it away 26.You'd better_u u_u u_u usome money for special use. A.pick up B.set aside C.put off D.give away 27.we we were_u u_u u_u ufor half an hour in the traffic and so we arrived late. A.put back B.brook down C.held up D.kept off 28.We shoud not lookダウンタウンthe poor people. A.up on D.of 29.The pline was about to_u u_u u_u u uand yet I left my ticket behind. A.take off B.take on C.take up D.take in 30.0 I don't have much free time as my work_u u_u_u_u uall my time. A.taes away B.taes over C.taes up D.taes in 31.The factory_u u_u_u u20,000 bicycles a moneth. A.turns into B.turns up C.turns in D.turns out 32.We've missed the last bus.I'm aframid we haveの______but to take a taxi. A.way B.choice C.possibility D.selection 33.Sandy could do nothing but_u_u_u u_u uto his teacher that he was wrong. A.admit admit confess 34.You had better_u u_u u_u u_u u ua doctor as soon as possible. A.look C see D.visit 35.Dou feel like_u u_u u_u u_u uToday A.having something special eaten B.having something special to eat C.have something special to eat have something special to eat 36.The girl sometimes has difficulty_u u_uwhat the teacher says in class. A.understand B.understanding understand D.undestood 37.She's had her hairひこうreally shart. A.being cut B.cuts C.having cut D.cut 38.Peter workd so fast with the match problemsa lot of mistakes. A.that he made B.that made make to make 39.Yesterday was_u__u_u_u u_uday that we decided to go swimming. A.such beautiful a beautiful C.such a beautiful D.a so beautiful 40.It was in 2001__u_u_u_u u_u u_u u u uthis type of car began to be popur with the teenager. A.which B.then C.when D.that

21:D我慢の意味22:B慎重にチェックします。23:B解決します。24:C使い切り25:A諦めます。やめろと理解できます。26:Bは何を置いていますか?ここは貯金です。27:D遅れ28:Aは29:A離陸30:Cは31:D生産32:B固定組み合わせです。選択していません。あることしかできません。admit v.説得、再三追及によって、ある事実や過ちを認めること。confess v.自白(犯罪、過失など)には、自白、自白の意味が含まれています。前にdoがある場合は、後ろにto 34:C 35:B、feel like dong sth 36:B、have difficulty(in)dong sth 37:D、have sth done 38:C強調します。

Nancy is_____u_u_ufor herpen.Butshe can't findit.SheアイリスYang Ling to_u u_u_u u_u u_u u_u u uhei. 空欄にはどう記入すればいいですか? グウグウグウグウグウグウあなたsee it

looking for:探します。
asking for;
ask sb for help:誰かに助けを求める

シュウシュウ.(stay)at home and_u u(ド)some homework


She stayed at home and_u_u(ド)some cleaning yester day

She stayed at home and_ディドドドド(ド)some cleaning yester day