Aree there any_u u_u u_u u(ナイフ)in the box?

Aree there any_u u_u u_u u(ナイフ)in the box?


英文文改错:Is there any dogs in the box._u_u_u u_uA_う呷Bウ呷Cう.


The re is()milk in the box.A any B many C much Look the flog is juming()the pond,A on B in C into

C much
B in
in the pond

英語の完璧な答えは10分以内です。Mr.Zhangwas living in t he country,and he wanted to go to an office in t 3 Mr.Zhangwas living in the country,and he wanted to go to an office in the city oneday.He 1 Mr.Zhangwas living in the country、and he wanted to go to n office in the city oneday.He1 the address on a letter,got 2 his car and 3 to thecity.Hedrove strate to the office without any 4 and stopped his car 5 theoffice.Helocked his car and 6 to go into the office、but suddenly he turned around and went back to hiscar.Herememberred that he 7 his keys in it!Hetelephone ed his wife and said,“8,I‟ve locked my keys in my”car.Please9 me your keys.」 Mrs.Zhanggot into their 10 car and drove twenty milles(マイル)to 11 herhusband.But12Mr.Zhangwas waiting for his wife、he walked 13 his car and tried the other 14.It was not locked!Mr.Zhanglocked it 15 before his wife arrived. ()1.A.looked B.lost C.found D.took() B.into D.out()3.A.drives B.went C.drove D.reached()4.A.trouble B.answer C.mater D.difficult()5.Athe front of of front of the foot of ()6.A.went B.wanted C.forgot D.wondered()7.A.has locked B.had locked C.locked D.had lock()8.A.Listen to me B.I need your help C.Excuse me D.Don‟t wory about me ()9.A.bring B.take C.carryD.chck()10.A.another B.other C.a second D.the other()11.A.hand B.give C.lookaat B.sincncnce C.before D.after(13.Adededer.Adedededededer.Bdededededededededededer.Bdedededededer((13.Akeon.Adededededededededededededededer.Adededededededededededededededededer.aon)))C.aon.B. B. atotoslowly D.recently

1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 c 6 b 7 b 8 b 9 b 10 a 11 b 12 a 13 c 14 c 15 b

One evinng Mr Black was driving his car around thecountry.Hewanted to find a smallホテル One evinng Mr Black was driving his car around thecountry.Hewanted to find a smallホテルヘsaw an old man at the side of theroad.Hestopped his car and said to the old man.「I want to go to the Sun」ホテル.Doyou know it""Yes,"The old man answered."I'll show you the way." He got into Mr Black's car,and they drove about 12milles.Whenthey came to a small house,the old man said.「Stop here.」 Mr Black stopped and looked at the house.「But this is isn't the hotel.」He said to the old man.「No」The old man answeed.「This is my」house.AndI'll show you the way to the Sunホテル.Turnアルound and go back ninemilles.The nyou'll see the Sun Hotel on the left." ()1.That evinng Mr Black wanted to stay. the old man's house a hotel his own house his car()2.The old man took Mr Black to. A.Mr Black's house B.his house C.the Sun Hotel D.the bus stop


He wanted to settle down in thecountry.Heワンポイントドドドドドド there there permantly there for a while D.go there for a visit

b settle downは「定住」という意味です。live somewhere permantlyは…長い間住んでいます。

Mr wang spend the weekend in the country as he_u_u uto the office on Sunday A.needn't have gone B.must n't C.may n't to go D.didn't have to go

ここはhave to doを使います。しなくてもいいです。

完形穴埋め:Dave was a manager ni anOffice.oneday,the head of the office,mr smith, told Dave that they had to make s_u ugo away from theオフィス.itcould be Jack or Eric. Dave l_uat mr smith and said,「Eric is theベストウォーカー,but jack has a wife and three c__u_u ui don't know who shoul d leave. 「i'll tell you w_uトdo.Friethe one who compes to work f_u utomorrow,mr smith said. the next moring,dave w_ufor them in theoffice.asa reault,eric was the first to come.dave felt s_uforhim.hesaid,“eric,i have a problem now.”

somebody,look ed,children,what,first,waited,sorry

Tom lives a long way from the city中国語の意味ありがとうございます。


読解tom lived by minself a long way from Tom lived by him self a long way fromtown.Hehanday went to town、but one day he went into town to buy a fewthings.Afterhe bougt them,he went into a retaurant and sat down at aテーブル.Whenhe looked around、he saw some old people put glasses on before reading theirnews papers.Soafter lunch he decided to go to a shop to buy hiself one pair、too.Hewalked along the road、and son found a shop. The man in the shop let him try on a lot of glasses,but Tom always said,"No,I can't read with these." The man became puzled、and he said、“Excuse me、but can you read?” 「No,of course I can't!」Tom said angrily.「If I could read before,do you think I would core here to buy your glasss?」 短い文章の内容によって、最適な答えを選ぶ。 ()46.Tom lived_u_u_u u_u..。 A.with his family B.near town the country town ()47.Tom didn't go to town______u_u..。 A.never B.offten C.sometimes D.sometime ()48 Why did Tom decide to buy a pair of glasses? A.Because he thought if he bought them,he could read. B.Because they were very bright. C.Because they were chee. D.Because he could read news paper. ()49.Tom went to the shop to_u___u_u u..。 A.have a rest B.have dinner C.wear glasses a pair of glasses ()50.What do you think of Tom? A.Heis foolish.B.He is clever.C.He is tall.D.He is beautiful.

1 C
2 B
3 A
4 D
5 A