American are very dirrect people.When they want something they say“yes”and w

American are very dirrect people.When they want something they say“yes”and w

Americans are very direct people.When they want something they say“yes”and when they don’t they they say“no”.If they want something different from what is given,they ask for it.Here’s and example.ore hone.ore.ore。I don’t want wine.Maybone I don’t like it or maybe I just don’t want it.I will say“No,thanks.”If everone around me is drinking something,I would ask for something else,“No,thanks.But of wave”thank you."Uless they happen to know the Chinese customs,westerners will not ask you again and again after you have said you don't want it.
51.If Americans want something、they would say「A」。
A.Yes,thank you.B.No,thanks.
C.No,I’m sorry.D.Yes,why not.
52.When Americans dot want what is given、they would say「B」。
A.No,I don’t.B.No,thanks.
C.Yes,thank you.D.No,I’m sorry.
53.In this passage、「westerners」means「C」。
A.the people who live in the west of their country
B.the visitors who go to the Wester n countries
C.the people who live in the Wester n countries
D.the people who know the customs of the West
54.The Chinese people might“D”if you don’t want something given. glad B.say「thank you」
C.get angry D.ask you again to take it
55.From this passage we know that“D”。
A.the Chinese people are direct B.the Chinese customs are better
C.the westerners are more polite D.different countries have different customs
答え:51.A 52.B 53.C 54.D 55.D

篇の英語の短文を助けますWhen I was twelve years old、my family were the first black people When I was twelve years old、my family were the first black people to move into an all white part of Grand Rapids、ミヒガンn.Manyof our new neighbors wereen't veryウエルカム.Someof the m said angrily that we shound return where we camefrom.Thechildren sometimes threw stones at me or drove me home from school. Most of my teachers simply tookのnotice of me,but not Drothy Bean,my historyteacher.MissBean was angry at how badly I was being treated、but she didn't say this toM.MissBean showd here respect for me by teaching me just like anyoneelse.Insteadof being unnoticed、I was given a chance to show that I wasclever.MissBean was the first teacherwho ever made me think formyslf.Shealways want to know what I thought about difficultquestions.WasThomas Jefferson right to buy Louisina from France?Why?She expected me to have my ownidea.MissBean was teaching me thinking for oneself was the real key to education One day、when I was not paying tens in class、Miss Ben suddenly threw an eraser atme.Theeraser hit me right on the hand and sent my pencilflying.Thewhole class were very suprsed at first,then startedlaughing.Thisevent became famous in the school and、because it happened to me、the students wantd to get to knowme.Sothat's the story of how Drothy Bern made me her target,and how I became just another kid in school. 大体の意味をまとめてみます。

How my teacher Drothy Ben help me,a black kid,to overcome racial discrimination when I was 12 years old.

may I ask you some questionとMay I ask you some questionsとどちらですか?

May I ask you some questions?これは正しいです。

The police()Sue from riding to school and ask her some questions.A helped B took C sent Dstopped Sueは急いで自転車で学校に行きましたが、途中でリンゴを積んだ馬車にぶつかりました。

正解はD、STOPです。SB.FROMドING STH.はある人が何かをするのを阻止するという意味で、警察が学校に行くのを止めるという意味で、彼女にいくつかの問題を聞きました。

He is waiting for_u u_u u(ヘ)turn to ask the teacher some question.


A:Hi!Tony.May I ask you some question?B:Sure A:Hi!Tony.May I ask you some question? B:Sure. A:_呷____u__u u_u_u u_u_u_u u_u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u_u u u u u u u u u u u u u u? B:I get up at 6:30 on weekdays. A:_呷_____u_u_u_u u_u_u_u u_u_u_u_u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u u u u u_u u u u u u_u u u u_u u u u u? B:I have shower after Iget up A:_呷_____u_u_u_u u_u_u_u u_u_u_u_u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u u u u u_u u u u u u_u u u u_u u u u u? B:I have breakfast at seven. A:_呷_____u_u_u_u u_u_u_u u_u_u_u_u_u u_u u_u u_u u u_u u u u u u u_u u u u u u_u u u u_u u u u u? B:I leave home at 7:30. Aウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウウ? BYou are welcome. 速い

1.When do you get up on weekdays?
2.What do you dofter you get up?
3.What time do you have breakfast?
4.when do you leave home?
5.Thank you very much.

()let me ask you somequestion.OKplease time the other hand the same time b.first of all c.on the other hand.all the time

b.first of all

the police_ugoing to rase some questionto youは、isを使いますか?それともareを使いますか?原因を説明します。


..。Mr.Blacksome boys are going toflight.You’d better_u_u_u u_u uthe police.A.send for B.send to どうしてですか

send forは人を派遣して招待します。

「The police werse sent for.」の同義書き換えは「Some people caled in the police.」なぜですか?

sent forは呼ばれるという意味です。