What two things can't you have for breakfast? 頭が急転する

What two things can't you have for breakfast? 頭が急転する

Lunch and dinner

クイズ語What two things can not you have for breakfast? もう一つのなぞなぞHow many sweets can you put into an empy bag?

私は当てます。1.lunch supper
2.a bag of sweets

頭の急カーブ:what two things can't you have for breakfast

Lunch and dinner

What two things you can't have for breakfast? この英語のクイズの答えは何ですか? どうしてlunch and dinnerですか?

答えは:Lunch and Supper(中華料理と夕食)

What two things can't you have for breakfast?How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?

1.What two things can't you have for breakfast?
答えは:Lunch and Supper(中華料理と夕食)
2.How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?
答えはOne sweetです。
Because a second sweet can't be put into an empty pocket.(袋に砂糖が一枚入っているので)空のポケットに入れることはできません。

Do ou find English listening d_u_u_u_u u_u u?

Do ou find English listening?

Interview the good English learners in your class and find out what you can learn from them 英語で話を書きます。

the interview
xxx is a good English learner in myクラス.she/healways gets good mark in my class and he/she is one of the top students in my class.i really wonder how he/she can get the amzinglish.
so i talked to him aboutthis.andhe told me that he always reded the text and did many exercises to provide his/here oral english.
from him/her,i learned many things.i think if someone wants to learn english well,he/her must do his/her best to protaciseit.andfinally、after he make make many efforts、he will get what he wanted.
and、please remember、no pain、no、gain.
thanks for reading.

What does the crow find?


what did spain find in the new world?(英語で答えてください)

mine、land、and slaaves

what 5-letter word has 6 left when you Tale 2 letter away?

six t y、tを持って行って、yの2つの字母はsixを残します。
同じように、six t hはtを持って行って、h、sixを残します。