What to to things can 't you have for breakfast? 넌 센 스 퀴즈

What to to things can 't you have for breakfast? 넌 센 스 퀴즈

Lunch and dinner
점심 과 저녁.

퀴즈 What to to things can not you have for breakfast? 또 다른 수수께끼 How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?

1. lunch 슈퍼
2. a bag of sweets
헤 헷, 막 던 져 ~

넌 센 스: what to things can 't you have for breakfast

Lunch and dinner
점심 과 저녁.

What to to things you can 't have for breakfast? 이 영어 지력 문제 의 답안 은 무엇 입 니까? 왜 luch and dinner 입 니까?

정 답: Lunch and Supper (중식 과 만찬)

What to to things can 't you have for breakfast? How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?

재 미 있 는 영어 넌 센 스:
1. What to to things can 't you have for breakfast?
정 답: Lunch and Supper (중식 과 만찬)
2. How many sweets can you put into an empty bag?
정 답: 원 스 위 트.
Because a second sweet can 't be put into an empty pocket. (주머니 에 설탕 이 하나 들 어 있 기 때문에) 두 번 째 설탕 은 빈 주머니 에 넣 을 수 없습니다.

Do you find English listening d?

Do you find English listening (difficult)?

Interview the good English learners in your class and find out what you can learn from them 말 한 마디 쓰기 (영어)

the interview
xxx is a good English learner in myclass. she / healways gets good mark in my class and he / she is one of the top students in my class. i really Wonder how he / she can get the amazingly marks in engllish.
so i talked to him aboutthis. andhe told me that he always resided the text and did many exercises to provide his / her oral english.
from him / her, i learned many things. i think if someone wants to learn engllish well, he / her must do his / her best to protaciseit. and"finally, after he make many efforts, he will get what he wanted."
앤 드, please remember, no pain, no, gain.
thanks for reading.

What does the crow find?

까마귀 는 무엇 을 찾 았 습 니까?

what did spain find in the new World?

mine, Land, and slaves

what 5 - letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letter away?

sixty, sixth 다.
six t y, 가 져 가 t, y 두 글자 남 았 습 니 다 six
마찬가지 로 six t h 는 t, h 를 가 져 가 고 six 가 남 았 습 니 다.