The re are some apple trees_u uher the front of B,at the back of the middle of

The re are some apple trees_u uher the front of B,at the back of the middle of

at the back ofは「…の後に」を表します。in the front ofは「ある物体のある場所の前に」を表します。in the middle ofは「…の中間に」を表します。

英語は受身語を変えます。They built this house in 1900. Parts always love their children. Nobody tole me the truth. The y will arest him sooner or later. People oten ask me where I buy my clothes.

1.This house was bulit in 1900.2.Children are always love d by their parents.I was not to ld the truth.He will be arreted soner.I was off ted where i buy my clothes.

The re re some trees in front of the houseを否定文に変更しました。

The re aren't any trees in front of the house.

We will visit the Great Wall next week、これは受動的な語調を変えられますか?できればどうやって変えますか?

the Great Wall will be visited by us next week

次の文を受身語にします。3.The bike will be repairethe bike tomorrow.


I will paint my room tomorrowは受身語になります。

My room will be painted by me tomorrow

we share discuss the problem at tomorrow's meetingの受身語

The problem will be discussed by us at tomorrow's meeting.

下记の主な语态の文を受身文に书き换えます。He will buy a house.

A house will be bought buy him.

we will plot many trees next year(受身語になる)may trees()()next year

will be plented

次のいくつかの英語を受身語(1)I will see panext weに変換します。 次のいくつかの英語を受身語(1)I will see panext week in the zoo.(2)He plass basketball everday.(3)She drived the car to Wuhan last mond.

Pands will be seen next week in the zoo by me.
Basktoball is playd by him every day.
The car was driven to Wuhan last monsh by her.