I think the shop is open now

I think the shop is open now

I believe the shop is open at the moment.

I think the shop is open now= Now I think the shop is open now

i do think the shop is open now
i really think the shop is open now

( )The shop_________ early in the morning a.open b .opens c.is open d. opened

Open and close the shop without passive voice, the third person singular, so use open

Which one is correct? Why?

Open is correct. You can't use opened. If you close the door, you should use closed

It's half past nine now.I think the shop______ chinese

is open
It's half past nine. I think the shop is open

The shop is open at half past nine. Is this sentence wrong?

That's right. Open is an adjective

It s half past ten

what time is it?

when the door is closed,the God will open a window. Milton wrote better poetry because he was blind, Beethoven composed better music because he was deaf. I Tchaikovsky had not been frustrated and driven almost to suicide by his tragic marriage,if his own life had not been pathetic,he probably would never have been able to compose his immortal "Symphonie Pathetique." If Tolstoy had not led tortured life,he would probably never have been able to write immortal novels. there are at least two reasons why we ought to try,reason one:we may succeed,reason two: Even iff we don't succeed,the mere attempt to turn our minus into a plus will cause us to look forward instead of backward; it will replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts;it will release creative energy and spur us to get so busy that we won't have either time or the inclination to mourn ove what is past and forever gone. if we are handicaped,the most important thing to profit from our losses.if we don't have leg, we have hands,if we don't have mentel health, we have brains,and so on.

Milton wrote better poetry because he was blind. Milton composed better music because he was blind

Let the window closed, keep the door open

Don't let the window closed or keep the door open.
Please comment on "satisfied" in the upper right corner of the client

Can and connect imperative sentences, such as open the window and close the door

Yes, it's nothing special. It's just that if the words of the action are the same, you can use the coordinate subject sentence
The sentence added after the imperative sentence + and is the general future tense, and the imperative sentence expresses the condition. Secondly, it also conforms to the rule of "the subject will be present" in the conditional adverbial clause
Imperative sentence (condition) + and + main sentence (result)
(1) , imperative sentence (condition) + or else / or / otherwise + main sentence (result) "Otherwise Or... "
(2) Imperative sentence (condition) + and + main sentence (result)
Hurry up,or you’ll be late for class.
Please call me up before you come,otherwise/or else/or we might be out.
Call before you come, or we may go out
Think it over and you will find the answer.
Give him an inch and he will take a mile
Work hard and you will make progress every day
To understand the three forms of "imperative + and + declarative sentence"
1. "Imperative sentence + dash + declarative sentence"
Try some of this judge - perhaps you'll like it
Try this juice. Maybe you'll like it
2. "Noun phrase + and + declarative sentence"
Noun phrases usually contain more, another, further, earlier and so on
  It is really very dangerous. One more step,and the baby will fall into the well.
It's dangerous. Take one more step and the child will fall into the well
  Another £500,and I could buy a car.
If I had another 500 pounds, I would have bought a car
  One step further and you’ll lost.
Take one more step and you'll lose your way
  A few minutes earlier,and I could have seen the famous scientist.
If I had come a few minutes earlier, I would have met the famous scientist
3. "Imperative + or + declarative"
Or means "otherwise" and "otherwise". Or can be replaced by "or else" or "otherwise" to predict the result from the opposite side
  Take the chance,or you will regret it.
Seize the opportunity, or you will regret it
  Watch your step,or else you might fall into the water.
Watch your step, or you will fall into the water
  Do as you’re told,otherwise you’ll be in trouble.
Do what you are told to do, otherwise you will be in trouble
When a declarative sentence is a general future tense or a simple present tense, an imperative sentence is a real conditional sentence
  Follow the advice of the doctor,and you’ll be well very soon.
If you follow the advice of the doctor
  Work hard,and you can make rapid progress in your study.
Analysis: the predicate part of a declarative sentence is a general present tense, so an imperative sentence represents a real conditional sentence (if you work hard)
2. When the predicate verb of a declarative sentence is would / should / could / might + verb prototype or perfect aspect, imperative sentence represents unreal conditional sentence
  Pass my house and you might return the book you borrowed.
If you should pass my house
  Come tomorrow and I would tell you everything.
If you should come tomorrow