Several mathematical problems 1. Grandpa played chess with his grandson. Grandpa won one game and scored one point. Grandson won one game and scored three points. He played eight games and recognized that the scores were equal. How many games did they play? Solving the first order equation with one variable 2. The tombstone of the Greek mathematician diophantu records: "one sixth of his life is childhood; another one twelfth of his life is one seventh of his life. He has been married for five years and gave birth to a son. His son lives half of his life. When he dies, he spends another four years (1) What is the age of his marriage? Solve it with a one-dimensional equation (2) What's the age of his death? Solve it with a univariate equation 3. A document needs to be printed, Xiaoming needs 6 hours and Xiaohong needs 8 hours. How long does it take them to complete their work? Solve it with a one-dimensional equation 4. A harvester harvests a wheat field, 25% in the morning and 6 hectares in the afternoon. How many hectares are there in total? Solve it with one yuan one-time equation 5. The store sells two clothes, each of which is 60 yuan. One earns 25% and the other loses 25%. Is it a profit, a loss, or no loss?

Several mathematical problems 1. Grandpa played chess with his grandson. Grandpa won one game and scored one point. Grandson won one game and scored three points. He played eight games and recognized that the scores were equal. How many games did they play? Solving the first order equation with one variable 2. The tombstone of the Greek mathematician diophantu records: "one sixth of his life is childhood; another one twelfth of his life is one seventh of his life. He has been married for five years and gave birth to a son. His son lives half of his life. When he dies, he spends another four years (1) What is the age of his marriage? Solve it with a one-dimensional equation (2) What's the age of his death? Solve it with a univariate equation 3. A document needs to be printed, Xiaoming needs 6 hours and Xiaohong needs 8 hours. How long does it take them to complete their work? Solve it with a one-dimensional equation 4. A harvester harvests a wheat field, 25% in the morning and 6 hectares in the afternoon. How many hectares are there in total? Solve it with one yuan one-time equation 5. The store sells two clothes, each of which is 60 yuan. One earns 25% and the other loses 25%. Is it a profit, a loss, or no loss?

1. Suppose grandpa wins x sets, then grandson wins 8-x sets, x = 3 (8-x), so x = 6. Grandpa wins 6 sets and grandson wins 2 sets
2. Suppose he lived for X years, then x / 6 + X / 12 + X / 7 + 5 + X / 2 + 4 = x, the solution is x = 84. Therefore, he lived for 84 years, married at the age of X / 6 + X / 12 + X / 7 = 33, and died at the age of 84
3.1 / (1 / 6 + 1 / 8) = 24 / 7 hours, there is no need to write an equation
4. Suppose a total of X hectares, X * 25% + X * 75% * 20% + 6 = x, the solution is x = 10, so a total of 10 hectares
5. Let the original price of the first dress X Yuan, X * (1 + 25%) = 60, x = 48. Let the original price of the second dress y yuan, y * (1-25%) = 60, y = 80. The original price of the two clothes is 48 + 80 = 128, and the selling price is 60 * 2 = 120, so a total loss of 8 yuan

What is the effect of centrifugal force and centrifugal force? And centrifugation

In an inertial system, there is no centrifugal force, so there is no effect of centrifugal force. Centrifugal force exists. When the combined external force received by a circular moving object is not enough to provide centripetal force, the object will move outward away from the center of the circle. This effect is called centripetal effect
In the non inertial system of circular motion, because the non inertial system does not satisfy Newton's law, in order to make the calculation convenient, suppose that there is a centrifugal force pointing from the center of the circle to the outside of the circle

What are inertial centrifugal force and centrifugal force respectively Such as the title

The explanation upstairs is a little rough. Please read my explanation
First of all, let's make a point: centrifugal force is a force that does not exist and is an imaginary force. If the word comes from physics teachers, centrifugal force is the abbreviation of inertial centrifugal force. If it comes from the adult population who have left school for many years and have an ordinary level of Science, it is generally a wrong understanding
I don't know if the landlord played with large children's toys such as turntable when he was in kindergarten? Imagine that when people are on the turntable, due to the rotation of the turntable, people will feel that there is a force pushing people outward along the radius direction, but if the stress analysis of people at this time can not find the force pushing people outward
In physics, the reference system of the ground and its uniform linear motion relative to the ground is called inertial reference system, which is referred to as inertial system for short, while the reference system of variable speed motion relative to the ground (including variable speed straight line, uniform curve and variable speed curve) is called non inertial system. This is because Newton's law of motion is tenable in inertial system, but Newton's law of motion cannot be tenable in non inertial system
Now the characteristics of this reference system are analyzed with the example of uniform circular motion
We already know that taking the ground as the reference system, the objects moving in a circle with the disk on the disk are:
μ Mg = f (n) = ma (n) = MV ^ 2 / R (subscript of letter in brackets)
The above formula is Newton's second law formula in uniform circular motion
Now let's assume that this object is ourselves. When we take the disk as the reference system, we see that we have no motion and always have no displacement at a certain position of the disk. At this time, let's look at the force: because we are "stationary" However, we feel that there is a "force" that pushes us outward. If there is no force to balance with this "force", then we will slide from the disk along the half diameter to the outside of the disk. Therefore, there must be a force "left" If we live, this force is the friction between us and the disk, and the existence of this friction is recognized by another observer with the ground as the reference system, but the "force" that pushes us outward is not recognized by that observer. In this way, we find that Newton's first law is not "correct" A corollary of Newton's first law is that if a stationary object is subjected to force, it must be an equilibrium force. However, we are only affected by friction. In order to ensure that Newton's law of motion is "correct" in the disk reference system, we are forced to "admit" that the force pushing us outward is "real", and name it according to the direction of the force With this force, Newton's first law is completely "correct" in the disk reference system
The reason why this force is not a real force is that no matter what reference system we choose, we can't find the force applying object

Is there centrifugal force? How to explain centrifugal force?

Centrifugal force does not exist. The resultant force of an object in circular motion is centripetal force. Note: in force analysis, only the property force of the object can be analyzed, but the effect force cannot be analyzed. The centripetal force is only the effect force. In circular motion, when the centripetal force of the object is less than m (V2 / R), the object will be pulled to the center of the circle; When

What is the direction of centrifugal force?

Anyone who has studied physics in senior high school knows that there is no centrifugal force. Those who say there is centrifugal force must not have studied physics. This is what my physics teacher said. There is only centripetal force, and the direction of centripetal force points to the center of the circle. However, there is only centrifugal phenomenon, and there is absolutely no centrifugal force. Go to Baidu Encyclopedia and search for centrifugal force. Isn't its formula the formula of centripetal force? Do you think there are two different things using the same formula?
You may ask, like putting a small piece of wood on a rotating disc, it will be thrown out when it rotates to a certain speed? This kind of movement is called deviating from the center of the circle. Here, the friction force of the wood block acts as the centripetal force. When the speed is fast enough, the friction force can no longer act as the centripetal force, that is, when the centripetal force is greater than the maximum static friction force, it will be thrown out. I was a high school student and learned this knowledge soon

What is the centrifugal force in F1

The basic centrifugal force is not large during high-speed driving. The maximum centrifugal force of high-speed braking turning is 5 g, which is equivalent to a total of 5 your weight! Of course not, there are five in each corner, usually about three... Dozens of minutes in an hour and a half of competition are in this state... So professional training is very important, otherwise it will fracture, so Hans was invented to protect the neck and bear less force