Physical friction coefficient On the plane, equal volume objects a, B and a are stacked on B. the weight of both objects is 10N, and the friction coefficient between each contact surface is equal to 0.3. At the same time, two horizontal forces with F = 1n act on a and B respectively. FA is horizontal to the right and FB is horizontal to the left. If both objects are stationary, the friction force between B and B on a is: A: 6N 3N B:1N 1N C:0N 1N D:0N 2N

Physical friction coefficient On the plane, equal volume objects a, B and a are stacked on B. the weight of both objects is 10N, and the friction coefficient between each contact surface is equal to 0.3. At the same time, two horizontal forces with F = 1n act on a and B respectively. FA is horizontal to the right and FB is horizontal to the left. If both objects are stationary, the friction force between B and B on a is: A: 6N 3N B:1N 1N C:0N 1N D:0N 2N

Choose C and use the whole method first! A and B are regarded as one object, one to the left and one to the right. The two forces are applied at the same time to offset! So the ground gives B no friction! For a, it is subjected to a right force, so B has to have a left friction against a, and a will be balanced! For the analysis of B, a gives it a friction force to the right, which just offsets the pull force to the left!

μ Related problems of dynamic friction coefficient Dynamic friction coefficient μ Is the ratio between friction and positive pressure when objects in contact move relative to each other. Is this friction the total friction given by the plane? For example, on a rough conveyor belt, an object a moves to the other side of the conveyor belt in the side direction at the initial speed of V0 (assuming that the conveyor belt is wide enough) and receives the friction F1 in the opposite direction. At the same time, when the conveyor belt moves forward, a receives the forward friction F2. If only looking at the side direction, F1= μ N (n is the pressure), if you only look at the moving direction of the conveyor belt, F2= μ N. Then F1 = F2. But in general, f is always= μ N. It's the same value, and F1 is perpendicular to F2. F can't always be equal to F1 and F2. So which F= μ N. And explain the reasons

You're wrong
Friction is a physical force exerted by two objects in contact with each other when they move or tend to move
There will only be one friction force. If object a moves to the right relative to object B, object B will give object a a force to the left

What is the coefficient of friction? How?

It refers to the friction force when an object moves on the surface of another object. The friction force of two different objects must be different. The friction coefficient is a coefficient to express this problem. The object weighs m and moves on a plane with a spring scale. The spring scale index is the size of friction force F, then the friction system

What is the friction coefficient of the steel roller sliding on the steel guide rail? How to calculate the sliding resistance if you know the weight and sliding distance of the object?

E = f * s, mass m, sliding distance L, friction coefficient, etc. it is necessary to know that the initial speed VMV ^ 2 / 2 (initial momentum, and also all energy of the ball relative to the track in the initial state) = f (all resistance) * L. in addition, f (resistance, only considering the friction with the rail) = m (mass) g* μ (Mo

The rock is marl, 300kPa. What is the friction coefficient between rock and concrete? For sliding checking calculation

Concrete and rock: 1.00

What is the friction coefficient between rubber and concrete? The scope is also OK, mainly for bridge bearings Friction coefficient between rubber and concrete After adding the rubber sheet, according to page 79 of bridge regulations, the friction coefficient between the rubber bearing and the contact surface of different materials: Rubber and concrete: friction coefficient is 0.3 Rubber and steel plate: friction coefficient is 0.25 Which bridge regulation and year is the bridge regulation here? Once verified, Thank you on your knees!

Code for design of highway reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete bridges and culverts (JTG D62-2004)