It is known that the image of the function f (x) = x ^ 3 + ax ^ 2 + BX is tangent to the line 9x-y + 8 = 0 (- 1, - 1) (1) Find the analytical formula of F (x) (2) Find the extreme value of F (x)

It is known that the image of the function f (x) = x ^ 3 + ax ^ 2 + BX is tangent to the line 9x-y + 8 = 0 (- 1, - 1) (1) Find the analytical formula of F (x) (2) Find the extreme value of F (x)

Tangent point on function
So - 1 = - 1 + a-b
F '(- 1) = 3-2a + a = 3-A, that is, the tangent slope at (- 1, - 1) is 3-a
Tangent 9x-y + 8 = 0 slope is 9
So 3-A = 9
X2 + √ 6, f '(x) > 0, increase

When the x power of function f (x) = x * 2 takes the minimum value, x =?

Derivation: F '(x) = 2 ^ x + x ^ 2 * 2 ^ (x-1) * LN2 = 2 ^ (x-1) * (2 ^ x + LN2 * x ^ 2) 2 ^ (x-1) "0, x ^ 2" 0, 2 ^ X "0, but the three cannot be 0 at the same time. F' (x) > 0, so f (x) is an increasing function. At the minimum, X is negative infinity. F (x) approaches infinity

Derivative aspect It's really a headache to discuss the classification of derivatives For example, on X ∈ [1,3 / 2], two are a, 3 / A + 2 (a > 0). Do you have to discuss it many times? What is the classification standard?

The first is the classification of a and 3 / A + 2, which includes the discussion of whether it is in the definition domain

When finding the derivative of a function, how to judge whether the function is a composite function?

Whether it is a composite function is relative. A composite function refers to the function value of one function as the independent variable of another function. Generally speaking, the composite function is based on the basic function. In high school, the basic functions are considered as the following: primary function (including positive proportional function), quadratic function, inverse proportional function, y = x ^

Continuity of the derivative of xarctan (square of 1 / x) at x = 0. When x is zero, the function value is zero It's a piecewise function, which has no definition at zero, and the answer is continuous

f(x)=[xarctan(1/x ²)]'= arctan(1/x ²)- 2x ²/ (x^4+1)limx→0f(x)=limx→0[arctan(1/x ²)- 2x ²/ (x^4+1)]=limx→0arctan(1/x ²) - limx→02x ²/ (x^4+1)=π/2∵f(0)=0∴limx→0f(x)≠f(0)...

Function f (x) = cos (2x + 3 π) + sin ² X; find the maximum value and minimum positive period of the function Sorry... Wrong question · function f (x) = cos (2x + 1 / 3 π) + sin ² x

f(x)=cos(2x+π/3)+sin ² X = cos2xcos (π / 3) - sin2xsin (π / 3) + (1-cos2x) / 2 = cos2x / 2 - √ 3sin2x / 2-cos2x / 2 + 1 / 2 = - (√ 3 / 2) sin2x + 1 / 2. The maximum value is: F (- π / 4) = cos [2 (- π / 4) + π / 3] + sin ² (-π/4)=√3/2+1/2=(1+√3)/2≈1.366...