Let the function y = sin (x ^ 2-1), then dy=

Let the function y = sin (x ^ 2-1), then dy=


Let the function y = SiN x / E to the power of X, find dy


Find the differential dy of function y = cos (x ^ 2) · sin ^ 2 (1 / x)

y=cos(x^2)·sin^2(1/x)y'=-2xsin(x ²) sin ² (1/x)+cos(x ²) 2sin1/x cos1/x ·-1/x ² =- 2xsin(x ²) sin ² (1/x)-1/x ² cos(x ²) Sin2 / x, so dy = [- 2xsin (x ²) si...

Find the differential dy of function y = sin ^ 3x when x = Π / 3 and △ x = 0.01

When x = Π / 3 and △ x = 0.01, Dy = 3 * (3 / 4) * (1 / 2) * 0.01 = 0.01125

According to the differential law of composite function y-sin (2x + 1), find dy


Let the function y (x) be determined by the equation xcosy + ylnx = 0, then dy / DX =? Please write down the process and reason

Using the implicit function derivation rule: note that y is a function of X, and there are differences in the derivation of X on both sides of the equation
(x)'cos y+x(cosy)'+(y)'lnx+y(lnx)'=0
cos y-x (siny) y'+y'lnx+y (1/x)=0,
Y 'is obtained by solving the above equation