The distance between the slide and the lens position changes between 15 ~ 30cm. In order to get an enlarged image on the screen, which of the following focal lengths should be selected () A. focal length 15cm B. focal length 30cm the correct answer to this question is a, but to get an enlarged image, the object distance should be between F < U < 2F. The farther the lens is, the larger the image will be. Why not choose B and a? Be clear,

The distance between the slide and the lens position changes between 15 ~ 30cm. In order to get an enlarged image on the screen, which of the following focal lengths should be selected () A. focal length 15cm B. focal length 30cm the correct answer to this question is a, but to get an enlarged image, the object distance should be between F < U < 2F. The farther the lens is, the larger the image will be. Why not choose B and a? Be clear,

Get an enlarged image. The object distance should be between F < U < 2F. Now the object distance changes between 15 ~ 30cm. This section is between F < U < 2F
So f = 30cm, so f = 15cm
If the focal length is 30cm and the object distance is between F < U < 2F, it changes between 30 ~ 60cm, not between 15 ~ 30cm

A car is traveling at a constant speed of 30m / s. when the driver suddenly finds an emergency ahead, he starts braking after 0.6s, taxis for 52m after 4.4S, and the car stops. The average speed from finding the situation to stopping is______ m/s.

The driving distance of 0.6s vehicle is s = VT = 30m / s × 0.6s=18m,
The average speed from discovery to stop is v = s total
Ttotal = 18m + 52m
So the answer is: 14

You must have eaten boiled eggs, which are delicious and nutritious, but you may not have boiled eggs yourself. You can try. What's the feeling of touching eggs when they are just cooked? When the water on the egg skin is gone, does it feel the same?

The eggs that have just been cooked are taken out of the pot and touched by hand. It doesn't feel very hot; The water on the egg skin is gone. If you touch it again, it feels very hot; Cause: water evaporates and absorbs heat

A cube object m with a side length of 0.1M and uniform mass is placed on the horizontal ground, and the pressure on the ground is 5.4 × one hundred and three   Pa. as shown in the figure, the cross bar can rotate in the vertical plane around the fixed point O and is tied to the cross bar B   The thin rope at the end is connected to the object m through the moving pulley. When the cross bar is lifted vertically at point a with force F, the cross bar is balanced in the horizontal position. At this time, the object M   The pressure on the ground is 1.8 × one hundred and three   PA, if the force F is still applied, lift the cross bar vertically at 0.1M from point a, so that the cross bar is still balanced in the horizontal position, and the object m   The pressure on the ground is 1.0 × one hundred and three   PA, it is known that the length of AB part on the cross bar is 0.2m, AB: OA = 1:3, G is 10N / kg, excluding the cross bar mass, moving pulley weight, rope mass and friction. Then the following options are correct   (  ) A. The mass of object m is 54 kg B. The density of object m is 0.54 × 103kg/m3 C. The force F is 1n D. The force F is 24N

A. The bottom area of the cube is s = 0.01m2, and the gravity of the object is g = PS = 5.4 through the deformation of the pressure formula × 103Pa × 0.01m2 = 54n, the mass of the object calculated according to the gravity formula M = GG = 5.4kg, the option statement is wrong. B. from the formula ρ= mv=5.4kg0.001m3=5.4 × 103kg / m3, wrong option statement; Force F

Place a spring scale horizontally, fix the left end, and one person pulls the right end of the spring. When the indicated value of the spring scale is 20n, it indicates that the tension of people on the spring scale is______ N. If both ends of the spring are not fixed, Party A and Party B respectively pull the two ends of the spring with forces of equal size and opposite directions. The indicated value of the spring is 20n, then the tensile force of each person on the spring scale is______ N.

If one end of the spring dynamometer is fixed on the wall and the other end is pulled with a force of 20n, the indication of the spring dynamometer is equal to 20n
The spring dynamometer receives a pair of balance forces of 20n, and the indication of the spring dynamometer is equal to the magnitude of this force, equal to 20n;
So the answer is: 20, 20

The stiffness coefficient of a light spring is k = 1x103n / m. at both ends of the spring, Party A and Party B pull the spring with a force of 20n respectively, then the elongation of the spring is_______ m. The resultant force of the spring is ____

At both ends of the spring, a and B pull the spring with a force of 20n respectively
Equivalent to: hang a section of the spring on the wall, and one person pulls the spring with 20n tension
Therefore, elongation = 20 / 103 = 0.19M
Because the spring is always in a static state, the static state is a kind of equilibrium state
So the external force is 0