Find the LNX power of x = e

Find the LNX power of x = e

Let a = e ^ (LNX)
Take natural logarithm
lga=lbe^(lnx)=lnxlne=lnx × 1=lnx
So a = X
I.e. x = e ^ (LNX)

The LNX power of E times (the integral of x times the negative LNX of E) is equal to

Equal to x times (the x-square times the integral of x) = x times (the integral of x) = x times (the square of half x + C), where C is any constant

The absolute values of radical X-2 and 4-y are opposite to each other. Find the value of 2x + 3Y


If the root signs 1-2x and 3y-2 are opposite to each other, find the value of 2x-1 / y

Solution: x = 1 / 2
So: the value of 2x-1 / y is 0

The third root sign 2x-5 and the third root sign 5-3y are opposite numbers to each other. What is x = of Y

The cubic root sign 2x-5 and the cubic root sign 5-3y are opposite numbers to each other, that is to say
2x-5 = - (5-3y), simplified to 2x = 3Y, so x / y = 3 / 2···

If the cubic root sign X-2 + 2 = x is known, and the cubic root sign 3y-1 and the cubic root sign 1-2x are opposite to each other, find x, y

Then both sides can be obtained to the third power at the same time: 3y-1 = 2x-1
So 3Y = 2x
Therefore, X / y = 3 / 2 cubic root 3y-1 and cubic root 1-2x are opposite to each other. Cubic root 3y-1 + cubic root 1-2x = 03y-1 = 0y = 1 / 31-2x = 0x = 1 / 2x / y = 1 / 2 * 3 = 1.5