The square of X + 1 = x (x + X part) is this factorization

The square of X + 1 = x (x + X part) is this factorization

Factorization means that each factor is an integer
And X + 1 / X is the fraction

Square - (x + 3) - 6 of factorization factor (x + 3)

Start looking at x + 3 as a whole
Original formula = (x + 3-1 / 2) ^ 2-25 / 4

Decomposition factor 2 (quadratic of x-quadratic of 3Y) + quadratic of 24x quadratic of Y

2(x ²- 3y ²)²+ 24x ² y ²= 2x^4-12x ² y ²+ 18y^4+24x ² y ²= 2x^4+12x ² y ²+ 18y^4=2(x^4+6x ² y ²+ 9y^4)=2(x ²+ 3y ²)²

Quartic power of X - square of 2x, square of y-3y + 6y-4 factorization

The fourth power of X - the square of 2x, the square of y-3y + 6y-4
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Factorization of the third power of X - the second power of x y + the second power of xy-y + X-Y Hurry!

The third power of X - the second power of x y + the second power of xy-y + X-Y
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Decomposition factor y to the third power - 3Y squared + y

y ³- 3y ²+ y
=y﹙y ²- 3y+1﹚