How much is the second power of (1 and 1 / 2)?

How much is the second power of (1 and 1 / 2)?

The second power of (1 and 1 / 2)
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What is the - 1 power - 3 of 4 times the - 1 power of 3 / 2

4^(-1) - 3 * (3/2)^(-1) =1/4 - 3 * (2/3) =1/4 - 2 =-7/4

If a + 1 / 2 of a is equal to 5, then what is the 2nd power of a + the 2nd power of a + the 4th power of a + 1?

24 A ^ 2 is the square of A
A + 1 / a = 5 simultaneous square of both sides
So (a ^ 2 + A ^ 4 + 1) / A ^ 2 = 1 + A ^ 2 + 1 / A ^ 2 = 1 + 23 = 24

Calculation: 3's 2012 power + 5 * (- 3) 2011 power + 6 * 3's 2010 power

3 to the 2012 power + 5 * (- 3) to the 2011 power + 6 * 3 to the 2010 power
=The 2010 power of 3 * 3 - the 2010 power of 15 * 3 + the 2010 power of 6 * 3
=3 to the 2010 power * (9-15 + 6)

What is the 2011 power of (1 / 2010) x the 2012 power of (- 2010)? The 9th power of (- 11) x the 10th power of (- 10) What is the ninth power of × (- 110th)$_$

What is the 2011 power of (1 / 2010) x the 2012 power of (- 2010)?
= (1/2010)^2012×(-2010)^2012 / 2010
= 1 / 2010
What is the 9th power of (- 11) × (- 10) to the 10th power of (- 110th)?
(-11)^9 × (-10)^10 × (- 1/110)^9
= (1/10)^9 × (-10)^10
= (1/10)^10 × (-10)^10 / 10
= 1/10

How much is the 2011 power of (√ 3-2) multiplied by the 2012 power of (√ 3 + 2)?

The 2011 power of (√ 3-2) is multiplied by the 2012 power of (√ 3 + 2)
=The 2011 power of [(√ 3-2) (√ 3 + 2)] is × (√ 3 + 2)
=The 2011 power of (- 1) × (√ 3 + 2)
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What is the 2011 power of minus two plus the 2012 power of minus two?


-What is the 2012 power of 2 + the 2013 power of 2

-The 2012 power of 2 + the 2013 power of 2

What is the 2012 power of 2 minus the 2013 power of 2

Answer: the 2012 power of negative 2
Because the 2013 power of 2 can be regarded as 2 times the 2012 power of 2, subtracting the 2013 power of 2 from the 2012 power of 2 is equal to the 2012 power of negative 2

What is the 2012 power of minus 2 plus the 2013 power of negative 2? It has to be very detailed, because it's hard for me to understand,

=2 to the 2012 power - 2 × 2 to the 2012 power
=-The 2012 power of 2