What is the 2012 power of 1? What is the 2013 power of 1? What is the 2012 power of negative 1? What is the 2013 power of negative 1?

What is the 2012 power of 1? What is the 2013 power of 1? What is the 2012 power of negative 1? What is the 2013 power of negative 1?

The 2012 power of 1 is equal to 1, the 2013 power of 1 is equal to the 2013 power of 1, 1 is the 2012 power of negative 1, and 1, the 2013 power of negative 1 is equal to - 1

The 52011 power of negative 2 + the 2012 power of negative 2 is equal to? The 2011 power of negative 2 + the 2012 power of negative 2 is equal to? The above one is wrong


How much is minus one-half's 2011 power multiplied by minus two's 2012 power

(-0.5)^2011 x (-2)^2011 x (-2)
=[ (-0.5)x(-2)]^2011 x (-2)
= -2

If the absolute value of a plus 1 plus B minus the square of 2 is equal to 0, find the value of a plus B to the 2011 power and a to the 2012 power

The final result is: 2

If the absolute value of a plus B plus the quadratic power of B minus 1 equals 0, find the value of a plus B to the 2012 power and a to the 2013 power,

Because: the absolute value of a plus B plus B minus 1 is equal to 0
So: B = 1, a = - 1
The 2012 power of a plus B plus the 2013 power of a = - 1

Given that the absolute value of a plus one plus the absolute value of B minus two is equal to 0, what is the value of adding B to the 2012 power plus a to the 2013 power?

Because the absolute value must be greater than or equal to 0, so the two absolute values add up to zero, both values are 0. A equals - 1B equals 2, the result is needless to say

If the absolute value of (a + 2) plus the square of (B-1) equals zero, then what is the value of (a + b) to the power of 2012

The absolute value of (a + 2) plus the square of (B-1) equals zero
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The absolute value of (x + 2) 2n power plus y minus 3 is equal to 0?

The absolute value of (x + 2) ^ 2n + (Y-3) = 0
Then x + 2 = 0, x = - 2;
So, x ^ y = (- 2) ^ 3 = - 8
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The absolute value of 3 x + 1 + the second power of (y + 1) is equal to 0. Find: (1) the value of XY; (2) the value of the third power of - x plus the value of the power of 2012 of Y

The sum of these two numbers is equal to zero. Because they are both positive numbers, the absolute value of 3x + 1 is 0, and the absolute value of Y + 1 is zero. Therefore, x = - 1 / 3, y = - 1, so XY is equal to 1 / 3, and the answer is 26 / 27

If the absolute value of x minus 1 plus the quadratic power of Y minus 2 equals 0, what is the 2009 power of x minus y

∴x-1=0 y-2=0
x=1 y=2