Simplify (2cos ^ 2x-1) (3cos ^ 2x-1) / cos2x

Simplify (2cos ^ 2x-1) (3cos ^ 2x-1) / cos2x


Mathematical problem f (cosx) = cos2x f (SiNx) = - cos2x If you know that f (cosx) = cos2x, how is f (SiNx) = - cos2x derived? If you know, please write the process in detail. If you are correct, you will add more scores,

Let y = cosx,
Then f (y) = 2Y ^ 2-1
Happy New Year!

The trigonometric function formula process of 3sin ^ 2 x + cos ^ 2 x = 2-cos2x

3sin^2 x+cos^2 x
=2sin^2 x+sin^2 x+cos^2 x
=2sin^2 x+1
=2+2sin^2 x-1

How to find x for a math expert cos2x-sin2x = 1 That's 2x, not square


Half angle formula of SiNx cosx?

Cos2x = cosx squared - SiNx squared = 1-2sinx squared = 2cosx squared-1

TaNx / 2 = SiNx / 1 + cosx = 1-cosx / SiNx

It is proved that Tan (x / 2) = sin (x / 2) / cos (x / 2)

Let f (SiNx) = cos2x, find the expression of F (cosx)


Our teacher has finished the double angle and dictated before class every time. Although I can understand the double angle, I always react slowly in dictation. I made six mistakes this time. I suspect that it is the most wrong in the whole class. I will have dictation again tomorrow. Please tell me if you have any tips for memorizing double angle,

Sine double angle formula:
sin2α = 2cosαsinα
Cosine double angle formula:
1.cos2A = 2cos²A-1
2.cos2A = 1−2sin²A
3.cos2A = cos²A−sin²A
Tangent double angle formula
tan2α = 2tanα/[1 - (tanα)²]

Several mathematical trigonometric function problems 1. Find the maximum value of the function f (x) = 2cos ^ 2x + 2sinxcosx + 1 on [0, π / 2] 2. Given the function f (x) = 2cosxsin (π / 2-x), find the monotone interval of F (x) 3. Known function f (x) = cos (2x - π / 3) + 2Sin (x - π / 4) sin (x + 4) (1) Find the minimum positive period of function f (x) and the equation of symmetry axis of image (2) Find the value range of function f (x) on the interval [- π / 12, π / 2] 4. The minimum positive period of the function f (x) = sin2wx + gen3sinwxsin (Wx + π / 2) (W > 0) is π (1) . find the value of W (2) Draw f (x) within a period =Seeking process and good man


On the formula of double angle in senior one mathematics How to use double angle formula to find the value of sine cosine tangent Given tan2 α = 1 / 3, find the value of Tan α

6 Tana = 1-tan ^ 2a, Tan ^ 2A + 6tana-1 = 0 is enough to solve the quadratic equation of one variable