Find the monotone increasing interval of the function y = sin (1 / 2x + π / 3), X ∈ [- 2 π, 2 π]

Find the monotone increasing interval of the function y = sin (1 / 2x + π / 3), X ∈ [- 2 π, 2 π]

ν take k = 0 to get - 5 π / 3 ≤ x ≤ π / 3,
K is other value, out of range limit
The monotone recurrence of functions on [- 2 π, 2 π]
The increasing range is [- 5 π / 3, π / 3]

3.14 what is the absolute value of reduced Pi


What is the absolute value of (3.14 - PI) This is a simplification problem

Because 3.14 < π
Then the absolute value of (3.14 - PI) is π - 3.14

The absolute value of 3:14 minus Pi is?


3.14 - absolute value of pi = () Fill in the blanks for grade 57


We all know that Π (PI) is about 3.14, how to calculate that

PI is a well-known number. From the beginning of recorded history, this number has attracted the interest of laymen and scholars. As a very important constant, PI was first used to solve the calculation problem of circle

The value of PI must be () 3.14

greater than
PI is an infinite non cyclic decimal, the exact point is 3.1415926

Is 3.14 Pi?

The PI is approximately equal to 3.14, and the more detailed is: 3.1415926535897932

The ratio of circumference π () is less than 3.14

The ratio of circumference π = 3.1415. > 3.14
Like this question oneself many attempts, next time will be able to!

The value of PI () A. Equal to 3.14 B. More than 3.14 C. Less than 3.14

Because π = 3.1415926 ,3.1415926… >3.14,
So π is greater than 3.14;
Therefore, B