How many degrees of Tan equals to the root of three thirds

How many degrees of Tan equals to the root of three thirds

If tanw = √ 3 / 3, then w = k π + π / 6, where k ∈ Z

-How many degrees is the root of three equal to tan?

150 degrees

How many schools is Tan negative radical 3 equal to? How many pies is Tan radical 3 equal to? How many degrees?

The problem should be that Tan's faction is equal to minus root 3
K π - (π / 3), K is an integer

What degree is Tan (- root 3 / 3) equal to,

It's arctan, - 30 degrees. This is the basic trigonometric value,

What is the third degree root of Tan equal to

The inverse trigonometric function is aectan √ 3 / 2
It's about 40 degrees and 54 minutes

How many degrees is Tan equal to root 2?

If it is an approximate calculation, the process is as follows:
The results are as follows: 1

How many degrees is the root of Tan minus three

150 or - 30

The solution set of inequality Tan (x + π / 4) ≤ radical 3 is obtained I worked out and the teacher's is not the same, but calculated many times the result is still the same--

Then for the interval [- π / 2 + K π, π / 2 + K π]
Then K π - π / 2 ≤ x + π / 4 ≤ K π + π / 3
That is, K π - 3 π / 4 ≤ x ≤ K π + π / 12
That is to say, the solution set of the inequality is [K π - 3 π / 4, K π + π / 12], K ∈ Z

The solution set of the inequality Tan α + radical 3 > 0 is

That is tan α > - radical 3
That is, Tan α > Tan (- π / 3)
So K π - π / 3 < α

Using image to solve inequality: Tan (x + π / 6) ≤ radical 3

Draw y = TaNx image
Y-tanx is an increasing function on (K π - π / 2, K π + π / 2)
Tan (x + π / 6) ≤ radical 3 = Tan π / 3