Cos 30 degrees - Sin 45 degrees divided by sin 60 degrees - cos 45 degrees How much is it

Cos 30 degrees - Sin 45 degrees divided by sin 60 degrees - cos 45 degrees How much is it

Cos 30 degrees - Sin 45 degrees divided by sin 60 degrees - cos 45 degrees

Why is sin 30 degree equal to 1 / 2 Can you tell me something about sin cos Tan 30, 45, 60 degrees

If you make a right triangle, you can calculate it according to Pythagorean theorem

Why is negative sin30 equal to minus 1 / 2? What method is used?

Because sin30 is equal to 1 / 2, because sin30 is the opposite side is equal to 1 / 2 of the bevel side. As for why sin is the opposite side than the bevel side, then you have to ask the dead people. They have stipulated this! We can't help it!
For adoption

Sin30 degree = 1 / 2 (- sin30 degree =?

Negative half

Why is 2 × sin30 / root 2 equal to root 2 / 2

Because sin = 1 / 2 1 / 2 root = 2 root / 2 radical formula can not be used as denominator, denominator is the same as multiplication root 2

How is sin30 ° = 1 / 2 calculated?

As shown in the picture, first draw a right triangle with 30 degrees
Draw a 60 degree line at the right angle to intersect the hypotenuse
D1 is isosceles triangle, D2 is equilateral triangle
Suppose that the edge of D2 is a, and since D1 and D2 share the same edge, D1 side is a
Finally, sin30 ° = A / (a + a) = 1 / (1 + 1) = 1 / 2

Calculation: sin30 ℃ - root 3cos30c xtan45c + 1

This student, the problem should be the angle, not the temperature!

What does sin 30 mean? In Mathematics

Sin30 degree means: in the lower triangle, the ratio of the opposite side of the 30 degree angle to the hypotenuse, so sin30 degree = 1 / 2

Sin30 degree = 0.5 calculator can calculate, so how to use calculator to calculate angle according to sine?

With the calculator (scientific type) in the windows attachment, select inv
Input the value, and then click sin, you can find the angle value of arcsine

Sin30 degrees, and sin30 in Baidu calculator why the calculation results are not the same?

In the future, you will also learn the radian system. The angle of the center of a circle that is equal to the length of the radius is called the angle of 1 radian, which is expressed by the symbol rad. If you read the angle of 360 degrees in radian, the whole circle is equal to 2 π times of the radius. This is a kind of definition. In other words, π can be regarded as 180 degrees, so sin30 = sin π / 6, sin30 = sin1 718.87