Make the following function image y = absolute value x square - 2x-1

Make the following function image y = absolute value x square - 2x-1

First draw the parabola y = x & # - 2x-1, and then fold the image below the x-axis to the image above the x-axis
What is the image of 2 / 2 of the absolute value of function y = x? Why
The image of the function y = 2 / 2 of the absolute value of X is shown in the following figure:
When x is positive, y is positive,
When x is negative, y is positive, so the image is in the first and second quadrants
Given the function f (x) = x2 + | x-a | + 1, a ∈ R. (1) try to judge the parity of F (x); (2) if - 12 ≤ a ≤ 12, find the minimum value of F (x)
(1) When a = 0, f (- x) = (- x) 2 + | - x | + 1 = f (x), then f (x) is even function. When a ≠ 0, f (a) = A2 + 1, f (- a) = A2 + 2 | + 1, f (a) ≠ f (- a), f (a) ≠ - f (- a), then f (x) is non odd and non even function
Judgment of parity of function with absolute value
If f (x) = | x-a | A is a real number, X belongs to R, judge its parity?
No matter what the expression is! Judging the parity of a function is in accordance with the following two steps: 1, see if the domain is symmetric about the origin! Asymmetry is no parity to say! If symmetric, do the next step! 2, judge the relationship between F (- x) and f (x), f (- x) = f (x) is an even function; f (- x) = - f (x) is an odd function
① What is the square of the difference between root 5 and root 2?
② The sum of root 6 divided by one-half of root and one-third of root?
③ : the 2007 power of the difference of 2 minus 3 multiplied by the 2009 power of the sum of 2 plus 3?
Speed I want it right now! Urgent
There's another question to ask, whether it's more or less? Is it the same? It's the second one above!
So the original form
If two groups of numbers x1, X2 , xn and Y1, Y2 The average of them is. X and. Y respectively, then a new group of numbers X1 + Y1, X2 + Y2 The average number is n + xyn______ .
In this paper, the author gives a brief introduction to the meaning of the title xn)=.x,1n(y1+y2+… A new set of numbers X1 + Y1, X2 + Y2 The average of XN + yn = 1n (x1 + Y1 + x2 + Y2 +...) +xn+yn)=1n(x1+x2+… xn)+1n(y1+y2+… Yn) =. X +. Y. so the answer is. X +. Y
It is known that the vertex coordinates of triangle ABC are a (4, - 6) B (- 4,0) C (- 1,4) respectively. The equation for finding the line where the median line PQ of triangle ABC parallel to ab side lies is obtained
The abscissa of the midpoint of AC is 4 + (- 1) / 2 = 5 / 2, and the ordinate is - 6 + 4 / 2 = - 1
The abscissa of the midpoint of BC is - 4-1 / 2 = - 5 / 2, and the ordinate is 0 + 4 / 2 = 2
So the median line goes through (5 / 2, - 1), (- 5 / 2,2)
The linear equation is y = - 8 / 5x + 1
Find the limit of sequence Lim = [(an ^ 2 + bn-1) / (4N ^ 2-5n + 1)] = 1 / B and find the value of a and B
1lim = [(an ^ 2 + bn-1) / (4N ^ 2-5n + 1)] = 1 / B to find the value of a and B
2lim = [1 / (A-1) ^ 2] = 0 to find the value range of a
3lim [1 + (a + 1) ^ n] = 1 the range of a
N tends to infinity
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What is the square of the difference between root 2 and 3?
The answer is 1
How to prove "| x + X1 + x2 + ·· + xn | ≥ | x · - (| x1 · + | x2 · + ·· + | xn ·)"?
It can be obtained from trigonometric inequality|
x+x1+x2+···+xn|≥|x|- |x1+x2+···+xn|
Because | X1 + x2 + ··· + xn|
Using trigonometric inequality:
First get:
Combined with | x1 | + | x2 | + ·· + | XNL ≥ LX1 + x2 + ·· + XNL
You can prove the conclusion.