The power is 100 watts, and the power consumption is 10 hours a day. How many kilowatt hours a day do you consume?

The power is 100 watts, and the power consumption is 10 hours a day. How many kilowatt hours a day do you consume?

1000 W is one degree power
Of course, 100 * 10 is one kilowatt hour
The density of copper is the third power of 8.9x10 kggm3, which means the third power of? 8.9x10
The density of copper is the third power of 8.9x10 kggm3. What does it mean? The third power of 8.9x10, kilogram per cubic meter, how many grams per cubic centimeter?
Density is a ratio, that is, the ratio of kilogram to cubic meter, or the ratio of 8.9 * 10 three times per cubic centimeter, the final unit conversion is gone
It means that the mass of copper in one cubic meter is 8.9 times 10. It's 10 to the negative cubic centimeter
The resistance of a metal wire with uniform thickness and length L is R. when it is evenly stretched to 2L, the resistance is?
3. The resistance of a metal wire with uniform length L is R. what is the resistance when it is evenly stretched to 2L? What is the resistance when it is folded in half to make its length 1 / 2? What is the resistance when its thickness remains unchanged to make its length 1 / 2?
4. The resistance of a copper wire with uniform thickness is R. if it is cut into two sections with the same length and the resistance of each section is R1, then R1? R; if the original wire is folded and twisted into one, its resistance is R2? R (>, <, =)
The problem can be solved according to the resistance formula r = ρ L / s
The cross-sectional area of the conductor is K / L, and the conductivity is K / A. When it is evenly stretched to 2L, its resistance is 4R, and its cross-sectional area and length change. When it is folded in half so that its length is 1 / 2, it is 1 / 4R.
Do the rest by yourself? Question: I just want to get the right answer
How long does an 800 Watt appliance consume one kilowatt hour of electricity
1000 Watt electrical appliances use one kilowatt hour
800 watts, 15 minutes per hour
A hollow copper ball with a volume of 30 cubic centimeters and a mass of 178 grams (the density of copper is 8.9 × 10 cubic kilograms per cubic meter),
What is the volume of the hollow part?
Who will understand and answer? We need to know, ask, solve and answer. Thank you
First calculate the metal volume V gold = m / ρ = 178g / 8.9g / cm ^ 3 = 20cm ^ 3
V air = V ball - V gold = 30-20 = 10cm ^ 3
If you divide 178g by the density of copper by 8.9g/cm3, you can get the volume of copper 20 cm3. Then the volume of the ball 30 cubic centimeter minus the volume of copper 20 cubic centimeter, is the volume of the hollow part!
The resistance of a wire with uniform thickness is R. fold the wire in half and then use it together. The resistance is?
Such as the title~
One fourth of the original resistance
The size of resistance is directly proportional to its length, and its cross-sectional area is inversely proportional. After folding, the length becomes half of the original, and the cross-sectional area becomes twice, so it becomes one fourth of the original
When the length is halved and the area is doubled, the resistance becomes 1 / 4R
2000 Watt power, how long does it need 1 kwh?
Half an hour, 1 kwh = 1 kW / h
How many amperes of air switch correspond to how much copper wire
The size of the air switch corresponds to the size of the copper wire. The size of the copper wire is 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16, 25
1. 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16 and 25 square meters correspond to 6, 10, 16 (20), 25, 32, 40 (50), 63 and 80A
There is a section of wire with a resistance of 16 Ω. Fold it in half and use it as a wire. What's the resistance
There is a piece of wire with resistance of 16 Ω. Fold it in half and use it as a wire with resistance of 4 Ω
The calculation process is as follows:
According to r = PL / s, it can be concluded that:
4 Omega
Originally, it is equivalent to two 8 Ω resistors in series, and folding in half is equivalent to two 8 Ω resistors in parallel
4 ohm
4 ohm, increased cross-sectional area
The power is 2000 Watts. How many kilowatts an hour
Electric heater
2 degrees
1000 watts per hour is commonly known as one degree of electricity