Electric car battery is 60V ~ bought an inverter is 12V to 220V ~ want to use the battery in the electric car without dismantling the electric car, what's the way

Electric car battery is 60V ~ bought an inverter is 12V to 220V ~ want to use the battery in the electric car without dismantling the electric car, what's the way

The so-called 60V should be five 12V batteries. The positive electrodes of the five batteries are combined to form a positive wire, and the negative electrodes are combined to form a negative wire. By connecting the two wires with the inverter, 220 power supply can be obtained
An electric furnace marked "220V 1000W" is connected to the power supply of 220V. How much kW. H does it consume when it works for 0.5h
How much heat is produced
It is known that 1000W = 1kW
W = P * t = 1kW * 0.5h = 0.5KW. H (degree)
As shown in the figure, ABCD is a rectangular wire frame made of resistance wire with uniform thickness. The conductor bar Mn made of another material has resistance and can keep good contact with the wire and slide without friction. The wire frame is in a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular to the paper surface. When the conductor bar Mn starts to cut the magnetic induction wire from the left end of the wire frame under the action of external force, it slides to the right end The change of power consumed on the wire frame may be ()
A. Gradually increase B. first decrease and then increase C. first increase and then decrease D. increase, decrease, then increase and then decrease
When the conductor bar Mn starts to cut the magnetic induction wire from the left end of the wire frame under the action of external force, the electromotive force generated is the constant value E = blv0, and the total resistance of the whole circuit is equal to the sum of the resistance R of the metal bar and the parallel resistance of the left and right wire frames. Set the total resistance R of the wire frame, the resistance R1 of the left wire frame, the parallel resistance of the left and right wire frames: r line = R1 (r-r1) r = rr1-r21r, and when R1 = R2, the total resistance of the wire frame reaches the maximum value When r = R, P reaches the maximum. When r = 10 Ω, the total resistance of the wire frame first increases to 10 Ω and then decreases, so the law first increases and then decreases When r = 5 Ω, the total resistance of the wire frame first increases by 10 Ω and then decreases, so it increases, decreases, then increases and then decreases, so D is correct. When R resistance equals to the sum of AB, BC and CD, the output power is the largest at the beginning. During the process of sliding to the right, the resistance increases and the output power decreases. After R1 = R2, the output power of the wire frame decreases The total resistance of the frame begins to decrease and the output power begins to increase, so B is correct
Resistance R = 60 ohm, after it is connected to the circuit, if the voltage at both ends of it is 1 / 3 of the total voltage
Resistance R = 60 ohm. After connecting it to the circuit, if the voltage at both ends of the circuit is to be 1 / 3 of the total voltage, a resistance with a resistance value of () ohm should be connected with it
The voltage of each branch of parallel circuit must be equal to the total voltage. If it is parallel, the voltage at both ends of R must not be 1 / 3 of the total voltage, so it should be in series
In series circuit, the current is equal, the resistance ratio is equal to the voltage ratio,
The total voltage is 1, R accounts for 1 / 3, and the other resistor accounts for 2 / 3, so the ratio of voltage at both ends of the two resistors is 1:2, and the resistance ratio is also 1:2
If R is 60 ohm, a 120 ohm resistor should be connected in series
120 strings
Parallel shunt
120. Questioning: process
The internal resistance of a 220 V 2.2 kW motor is 2 Ω, the normal working time is 0.5 h, the small electric energy is 1.1 kwh, and the heat generated is 3.96 x 10 sixth power coke
What's the efficiency?
1.1 kwh = 3960000j
Efficiency η = 1-3.96x10 sixth power △ 3960000 = 0
Wrong title!
One degree of electricity equals 3.6 × 10 ^ 6 joules, 1.1 kilowatt hour is 1.1 degree of electricity, that is 1.1 × 3.6 × 10 ^ 6 = 3.96 × 10 ^ 6 joules, then the calorific value of the motor is 3.96 × 10 ^ 6 joules, and the efficiency is 0........... (I don't want to believe this fact) ask: I calculated this number for the first time, what's the matter
The square wire frame surrounded by uniform resistance wires is placed in a bounded uniform magnetic field. The direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the wire frame, and its boundary is parallel to the edge of the square wire frame. Now, the wire frame is moved out of the magnetic field in two different directions at the same speed. As shown in the figure, the ratio of the absolute value of the potential difference between a and B points on one side of the wire frame is 0______ .
Let the total resistance of the wire frame be 4R, the induced electromotive force be e = BLV, and the induced current be I = e4r = blv4r. It can be seen from the diagram that the ratio of the potential difference between ab points is uabuab ′ = I × RI × 3R = 13, so the answer is: 1:3
Given the current I = 0.12A, resistance R1 = 12.9 ohm, R2 = 18.5 ohm, R3 = 18.6 ohm in the circuit, what is the voltage
Total resistance R = 12.9 + 18.5 + 18.6 = 50 Ω
Voltage U = IR = 50 * 0.12 = 6V
There is a bundle of bare aluminum wire. The measured mass is 27 kg and the cross-sectional area is 5 cubic mm. Find the length of the wire
Specific gravity of aluminum: 2.7 kg / dm3
There is a bundle of bare aluminum wire, the measured mass is 27 kg
So volume = 27 / 2.7 = 10 cubic decimeters
Length = 10 / (5 / 100) = 200 decimeters = 20 meters
Another: the cross-sectional area is 5 square millimeters
The square wire frame surrounded by uniform resistance wires is placed in a bounded uniform magnetic field. The direction of the magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the wire frame, and its boundary is parallel to the edge of the square wire frame. Now, the wire frame is moved out of the magnetic field in two different directions at the same speed. As shown in the figure, the ratio of the absolute value of the potential difference between a and B points on one side of the wire frame is 0______ .
Let the total resistance of the wire frame be 4R, the induced electromotive force be e = BLV, and the induced current be I = e4r = blv4r. It can be seen from the diagram that the ratio of the potential difference between ab points is uabuab ′ = I × RI × 3R = 13, so the answer is: 1:3
In a DC circuit, the voltage is 18 V and the resistance is 12 ohm. What is the current?
If the voltage is only applied to a 12 ohm resistance, the current is equal to the voltage divided by the resistance: I = u / r = 18 / 12 = 1.5A;
If there are other electronic components, the current is equal to the value of the circuit voltage 18 V divided by the total resistance, which is the most basic Ohm's law!