A bulb marked with 220V 100W, connected in series with resistor R, is connected in the circuit of 220V, and the electric power consumed by the resistor For 10 Ω, ask the power of the bulb at this time

A bulb marked with 220V 100W, connected in series with resistor R, is connected in the circuit of 220V, and the electric power consumed by the resistor For 10 Ω, ask the power of the bulb at this time

Is the power consumed by the resistor 10 watts, or is the resistance value 10 ohm? Online, etc
Excuse me 100 meters long cross section 4 square copper wire, rated voltage 220 V, 12 a current, how much is the power loss? How to calculate
The resistivity of copper is 0.0175 Ω· mm & sup2 / m. The resistance of a 100 meter long copper wire with a cross section of 4 square meters is equal to (100 meter * 0.0175 Ω· mm & sup2 / M) / 4 mm & sup2; = 0.4375 Ω. According to the electric power law formula, the electric loss is I & sup2; r = 12 * 12 * 0.4375 Ω = 63w
In physics, the greater the resistance of the conductor, the less it will hinder the current
Resistance: the resistance of conductor to current
The greater the resistance, the greater the resistance to the current
This is a conceptual problem: resistance is used to express the resistance of conductor to current. The greater the resistance is, the greater the resistance is
A bulb marked with "220 V & nbsp; 100 W" is connected in series with a resistor and then connected to the 220 V power supply. The power consumed by the resistor is 10 W. at this time, the power consumed by the bulb is 10 W______ 90W (select "greater than", "less than" or "equal to")
The rated power of the bulb is 100W. After a resistor is connected in series, the total resistance of the circuit increases and the power supply voltage remains unchanged. According to the formula P = u2r, the total power consumed by the circuit decreases, which is less than the rated power of the bulb 100W, and the power consumed by the resistor is 10W, so the power consumed by the bulb is less than 100w-10w = 90W
What is the current carrying capacity of copper wire per square millimeter at 380V and 220V respectively?
Hello: 1. Among the commonly used low-voltage wires, the insulation grade standard of insulated copper wire is 500 v. 2. The commonly used copper wire (less than 16 square mm) is laid in a tube and concealed way, and the current density is 6 A / per square mm. 3. The larger the cross-sectional area of insulated wire, the lower the current density will be. For the specific current density, you should consult the electrical material manual
Effect of conductor on current________ The action is called resistance
How much is the actual power of a bulb marked "220 V, 100 W" connected to a 110 V power supply? (ignoring the influence of temperature on filament resistance)
First calculate the resistance R = u / P = 220 times 220 / 100
R = 484 ohm
P real = u / r = 110 times 110 / 484
Calculate the actual power by yourself
P = u * U / r r = u * U / P = 220 * 220 / 100 = 484 ohm
How many kilowatts and 10 square meters can a 4 square meter single core copper wire bear?
According to the current carrying capacity of commonly used wires in modern electrician Manual published by Guangdong science and Technology Press:
The current carrying capacity of 500V and below copper core plastic insulated wire laid in air, working temperature 30 ℃, long-term continuous 100% load is as follows:
It is single-phase because it is used for household use, and its maximum power (PM) is as follows:
PM = voltage U × current I = 220 V × 39 A = 8580 w
If the safety factor is 1.3, the allowable power (P) for long-time operation is:
P = PM △ 1.3 = 8580 △ 1.3 = 6600w
"Four square" copper wire. Can withstand 6600 watts of load
The current carrying capacity of commonly used wires in modern electrician Manual published by Guangdong science and Technology Press:
The current carrying capacity of 500V and below copper core plastic insulated wire laid in air, working temperature 30 ℃, long-term continuous 100% load is as follows:
1.5 sq mm - 22a
2.5 sq mm - 30A
6 sq mm - 51A
10 sq mm - 70A
16 sq mm - 98a
What is the role of resistance in the circuit?
Its main function is to block the current flow. It is used in current limiting, shunt, step-down, voltage dividing, load and capacitor matching, filter and resistance matching, etc
The question is too general. Generally speaking, the function of resistance is to limit current and divide voltage. In fact, the principle of the two is the same.
Can be
partial pressure
impedance matching
Reduce interference
In some cases, it can be heated
Varistor: over voltage protection, pulse absorption
Thermistor: temperature compensation, temperature measurement
Humidity sensitive resistance: humidity protection, humidity measurement
Photosensitive resistance: brightness detection.
Force sensitive resistor: measuring force (tension, pressure)
It can divide voltage in series circuit and shunt resistance in parallel circuit.
Whether in parallel circuit or in series circuit, the total resistance increases with the increase of resistance.
Resistance can protect the circuit. The sliding rheostat can change the current and voltage by changing the resistance wire.
protection circuit
To prevent the current is too large, but also play a role in sharing the voltage
The "220 V 100 W" lamp is connected in series with the resistor R and then connected to the 220 V power supply. The power consumed by the resistor is 10 W. please write down the specific calculation process for (1) the actual power of the bulb (2) the rated power of the resistor
(1) R lamp = u ^ / r = 220 ^ / 100 = 484 [220 / (R + 484)] ^ = 10 r = 60 ohm actual power of bulb P = [220 / (484 + 60)] ^ R lamp = 80W (2) rated power of resistor P = u ^ / r = 220 ^ / 60 = 806.7w