Is electric work equal to electric energy

Is electric work equal to electric energy

Electric work is the work done by current, and electric energy is the measure of the ability of current to do work
The quantity represented by letters in physics of grade two
I'm just a sophomore in physics It's very simple before school Well, it's not so easy to learn A bunch of formulas, a bunch of letters Who knows what these letters (speed, time, temperature, mass, etc., not hour, centigrade, kilogram, etc.) mean Here, thank you for your help~~
Hungry ~~(╯﹏╰)
Thank you first. Please give more alms, just a few It must not be enough~~
V is the speed or volume, s is the distance or area, t is the time, t is the temperature, M is the mass, G is the gravity, G is the gravity constant (about 9.8 or 10N / kg, it will change), f is the force, f is the sliding friction, ρ (not p, it is a Greek letter, pronunciation is similar to Pinyin Z ò
For example, m means mass, and when used as a unit, it means "meter". In fact, it's very easy to distinguish them. When you remember the relationship between physical quantities, you should not always want to remember some letters, but to have a deeper understanding of the relationship between various quantities. Another example: Mo velocity = initial velocity + (1 / 2) acceleration * time (power) VT = V0 + (1 / 2) GT ^ 2. It can be seen that the formula is more thrifty, but it is not a shortcut.
Hehe, in fact, you should ask your physics tutor how to learn physics
For example, m means mass, and when used as a unit, it means "meter". In fact, it's very easy to distinguish them. When you remember the relationship between physical quantities, you should not always want to remember some letters, but to have a deeper understanding of the relationship between various quantities. Another example: Mo velocity = initial velocity + (1 / 2) acceleration * time (power) VT = V0 + (1 / 2) GT ^ 2. It can be seen that the formula is more thrifty, but it is not a shortcut.
Hehe, in fact, you should ask your physics tutor how to learn physics
Time: H H Min Min s s MS MS
Mass: t ton kg mg
Temperature: ℃
Speed: v
V T m and "Rou" can't be hit!! S distance and many symbols I can't type...
“。。。” I can do nothing about it, either. Learn. It's easy.
V T m and "Rou" can't be hit!! (density) s distance and many symbols I can't type...
“。。。” I can do nothing about it, either. Learn. It's easy. And the specific heat capacity of C.
... (wrong Press) changed ID
These are letters
Those you don't want are units
A resistance wire produces 1.452 * 10 quintic joules of heat in 5 minutes (home circuit). Another resistance wire R2 is connected to 60V voltage, and the current is 0.3 A. if r1r2 is connected in series with 30V voltage
Calculate the voltage ratio at both ends of r1r2 and the electric power ratio of r1r2
From Joule's law q = I & # 178; RT I = u / R, q = u & # 178; t / R is obtained
The ratio of voltage and electric power of series resistors is proportional to the resistance (Series same, parallel opposite)
Q = U2 / RT and R = 100
(2) If I = u / R, r = u / I, R2 = 200
The ratio of series voltage equal to the ratio of electric power equal to the ratio of resistance is 1:2
Second grade physics electrothermal problem, urgent!
It takes 10 minutes to connect a heating wire to the power supply and boil a cup of water. It takes 20 minutes to connect B heating wire to the same power supply and boil the same cup of water. If a and B heating wires are connected in series and connected to the same power supply, how long does it take to boil the same cup of water?
Please write the detailed steps, thank you!
How to do the same kind of questions in the future?
There are four options: 10min 20min 30min 15min
For the same problem, Q * U / T = 30 min, u * r 2 = 30 min
How long does it take for an electric car (5 batteries, 60V) to charge once?
The charging time depends on the charging current and the capacity of the battery
The maximum power of the electric fish machine is 2200W. What's its voltage and current, please? The power supply is 12V dry battery. Is 2200W safe for people?
① The electric fish machine only knows the power, but can't calculate the voltage and current;
② Another 12V dry cell, 2200W power. Rare
But it's safe for people
Generally speaking, the safe voltage of human body is 36V, which is the value of body temperature
The safe current is 10mA
Although the power is very high, but the voltage is not high
Just have a try
It's not safe. The electric fish machine boosts 12V DC to tens of thousands of V and knocks out fish through high voltage. Such high voltage will do great harm to human body directly. There are also precedents of people being injured and electrocuted to death. Use it with caution.
The actual power of your fish machine is 300-500W and the voltage is 500-800v. Electric fish don't have to die of electricity
But it's easy to electrocute a cow
In fact, all electric fish machines can easily electrocute people.
It's not safe because you've raised 12V to 20000w
This is impossible, 2200W with 12V power supply, your battery to provide 183.33a current seems unrealistic
Do not confuse the electric fish machine 2200W refers to the input power, as for the output power is definitely less than the input, how much to actually test, that is to say, the constant maximum power of this electric fish machine is 2200W, but there are few electric fish machines with input 12V and output power up to 2200W on the market. I have difficulty in doing 2200W from the 12V of the electric fish mechanism for many years Safety problem when the electric fish machine is no-load, the voltage is not controlled, the moment will rise to hundreds of V or even thousands of V, in the process of playing, it is best not to touch it... Unfold
Do not confuse the electric fish machine 2200W refers to the input power, as for the output power is definitely less than the input, how much to actually test, that is to say, the constant maximum power of this electric fish machine is 2200W, but there are few electric fish machines with input 12V and output power up to 2200W on the market. I have difficulty in doing 2200W from the 12V of the electric fish mechanism for many years Safety problem when the electric fish machine is no-load, the voltage is not controlled, the moment will rise to hundreds of V or even thousands of V, in the process of playing, it is best not to touch it
Semiconductor resistivity decreases with temperature. Why?
Taking silicon as an example, in a certain temperature range, the resistivity of semiconductor decreases with the increase of temperature. Because the electrons in the valence band of semiconductor are continuously excited to the conduction band with the increase of temperature, the number of carriers increases, the conductivity is strengthened and the resistivity decreases;
When the temperature rises to a certain height, the excitation of valence band electrons reaches the limit, the thermal vibration of the lattice intensifies, and the scattering effect on carriers also increases. At this time, with the further increase of temperature, the resistivity of the semiconductor increases
This is its own property. General semiconductors have this property, while ordinary metal conductors increase their resistance with the increase of temperature.
How much is the current 60V battery for five electric vehicles~
What brand is it? The cheap one is about 900. The old for new one is about 700. The good one is about 1020. The old for new one is 880. This is my estimated price. I make electric car parts
Electromotive force E = 120V, internal resistance rs = 0.3 Ω, wire resistance RW = 0.2 Ω, load resistance R = 11.5 Ω
When the load end is short circuited, the current of the power supply is 120V / (RS + RW) = 240A, the output voltage is the conductor resistance, and the partial voltage on RW is 48V;
3 Ω = 400A, and the output voltage is 0V
When the load side is short circuited, the current of the power supply is I = E / (RS + RW) = 120 / (0.3 + 0.2) = 240A, and the voltage is u = I * r = 240 * 0.3 = 72V
When the power supply is short circuited, the current of the power supply is I = E / rs = 120 / 0.3 = 400A and the voltage is 120V
Why the higher the temperature of semiconductor, the smaller the resistivity
It can not be simply said that the resistivity of a semiconductor is a monotonic decreasing function of temperature. At a lower temperature, the impurity is not completely ionized. At this time, with the increase of temperature, the ionization of the impurity increases until it is completely ionized. This section is dominated by the increase of carriers, so the resistivity decreases