The mixed operation of rational numbers refers to a variety of operations contained in the formula

The mixed operation of rational numbers refers to a variety of operations contained in the formula

The mixed operation of rational numbers refers to a variety of operations including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and power
Hybrid operation
22 + (- 4) + (- 2... Expansion
Hybrid operation
(8) - 3.75 + (+ 5 / 4) + (- 1.5) Stow
Distribution law, multiplication combination law, multiplication exchange law
The construction site used a car to transport cement, 7 times in the morning, a total of 35 tons. According to this calculation, 8 times in the afternoon, how many tons in the afternoon? The next day to transport 85 tons of cement, how many times in the next day? Please help me as soon as possible,
It takes 5.85 tons to get 5.85 tons for another operation
The difference between mineral water and pure water
Purified water is purified by distillation, reverse osmosis and other technologies. While removing harmful substances, it also removes almost all trace elements and minerals beneficial to human body. It is an oxygen-containing active water without any impurities, non-toxic and sterile, and easy to be absorbed by human body. Mineral water is different from tap water and purified water
If A2 + a = 0, then the value range of a is______ .
∵ A2 + a = 0, ∵ A2 = - A, ∵ A is a ≤ 0
36 packages of cement were transported from a construction site, each of which weighs 45 kg and 1380 kg of Huangsha. How many materials were transported from this construction site
36x45 = 1260kg
A: a total of 1260 kg of cement and 1380 kg of yellow sand were transported to the site
A large bucket of 18 liters of purified water is equivalent to a bottle of 500 ml mineral water
1. Standard calculation answer: 36 bottles
2. The actual content of 500ml water is not enough for domestic manufacturers to calculate
If root a × root A-2 = root a (A-2), then the value range of a is
According to the formula under the root sign, it is greater than or equal to 0
A batch of cement is stored in the construction site. When 30% of this batch of cement is used, another 160 bags are transported. At this time, there is 110 more than the original cement. How many bags of cement are stored?
Suppose the original x bag for storing cement, from the meaning of the question, (1 + 110) x - (1-30%) x = 160, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;, 1110 x-710 x = 160, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp
A bottle of mineral water is 1500ml, and a bucket of mountain water is 18L. How many bottles of mineral water are equivalent to a bucket of mountain water?
18 / 1.5 = 27 bottles
Third root sign a + third root sign - a = 0, find the value range of A
Cubic root a = - cubic root - A
Cube on both sides: a = a
So a is any real number
A is a real number
Cubic root a = - cubic root (- a)
Square root of equation
So a is all real numbers