The students are going to have a picnic. They divide 42 bottles of mineral water and 30 bottles of coke equally to each group. How many groups are there at most? How many bottles of each of the two drinks are there for each group?

The students are going to have a picnic. They divide 42 bottles of mineral water and 30 bottles of coke equally to each group. How many groups are there at most? How many bottles of each of the two drinks are there for each group?

In the arithmetic sequence {an}, A2 + a3 + A4 = - 24, A18 + A19 + A20 = 78, why is 6 (A2 + a3 + A4) not equal to A18 + A19 + A20
Isn't the arithmetic sequence am + an = AP + AQ m + n = P + Q
6 (a 2 + a 3 + a 4) has nothing to do with a 18 + a 19 + a 20
It can't satisfy the form of M + n = P + Q
What is the relationship between a16 (A2 + a3 + A4) and A18 + A19 + A20? It doesn't matter.
It can not satisfy the form of M + n = P + Q. In the arithmetic sequence {an}, A2 + a3 + A4 = - 24, a16 + A18 + A20 = 78, ask S20, 6 (A2 + a3 + A4) does not equal a16 + A18 + A20, does not satisfy m + n = P + Q, is the question wrong. If the arithmetic sequence starts from A1: 3A1 + 6D
What is the relationship between a16 (A2 + a3 + A4) and A18 + A19 + A20? It doesn't matter.
It can not satisfy the form of M + n = P + Q. Follow up: this question has just been wrong on the test paper. In the arithmetic sequence {an}, A2 + a3 + A4 = - 24, a16 + A18 + A20 = 78, S20, 6 (A2 + a3 + A4) does not equal a16 + A18 + A20, M + n = P + Q is wrong
A construction site uses 34 tons of cement in September, of which 89 tons are used in the second half of the month?
According to the meaning of the question: the output ratio of the first half of the month and the second half of the month is 9:8; then the consumption in the first half of the month is 34 (9 + 8) × 9, = 34 (17) × 9, = 18 (tons); in the second half of the month: 34-18 = 16 (tons); a: 18 tons are used in the first half of the month, and 16 tons are used in the second half of the month
Shopping malls carry out mineral water "buy 5 get 1 free" activities. A tour group of 50 people want to give each person a bottle of mineral water, ask at least need to buy______ A bottle of water
50 △ 5 + 1 = 50 △ 6, = 8 (bottle) 2 (bottle), 5 × 8 + 2 = 40 + 2, = 42 (bottle)
In the arithmetic sequence, a1 + A2 + a3 = - 24, A18 + A19 + A20 = 42, find S20=
The results are as follows
So a1 + A20 = 6
Please adopt.........
A construction site uses 34 tons of cement in September, of which the cement used in the second half of the month is 8 / 9 of that in the first half of the month. How much is used in each month?
For the first half of the month
34 (1 + 8 / 9) = 18 (ton)
For the first half of the month
18 × 8 / 9 = 16 (ton)
To solve the equation of one yuan and one degree: the ticket price of a park, for a certain number of teams, there are three tourist groups a, B and C according to the group ticket discount,
A total of 72 people, if each group buys tickets separately, the tickets are 360 yuan, 384 yuan, 480 yuan in turn. If three teams buy together, the total cost can be reduced by 72 yuan
(1) How many people are there in each of the three groups?
(2) Fill in a plan in the table below to make it consistent with the above ticket purchasing situation
Ticket Office
The number of ordinary group tickets must be --
Yuan per person --
Suppose the group ticket price is y, y = (360 + 384 + 480-72) / 72 = 16 yuan,
1) Three groups did not reach the minimum number of preferential groups:
The ordinary ticket price is 16 + 72 / 72 = 16 + 1 = 17 yuan, and the number of group A is 360 / 17 = 21.176, which is obviously impossible,
Therefore, this situation is impossible
2) Only group C reaches the minimum number of preferential groups:
The number of group C is 480 / 16 = 30
The ordinary ticket price is (360 + 384) / (72-30) = 17.714, which is obviously impossible,
Therefore, this situation is impossible
3) Only group A fails to reach the minimum number of preferential groups:
The number of group C is 480 / 16 = 30, group B is 384 / 16 = 24, and group A is 72-30-24 = 18
The price of ordinary ticket is 360 / 18 = 20 yuan, and the minimum number of preferential groups must be more than 18
4) Obviously, the three groups have reached the lower limit of the number of preferential groups, so it is impossible to buy together and get another discount
Therefore, from the above, there are 18 people in group A, 24 people in group B and 30 people in group C. the ordinary ticket is 20 yuan. The number of group tickets must be more than 18, and the group ticket price is 16 yuan
Preferential fare: 384 + 360 + 480-72) / 72 = 16 yuan
Suppose that the first team is the preferential team, we can calculate the number of people: (360-72) / 16 = 18 (people)
Number of the second Regiment: 384 / 16 = 24
Number of the third Regiment: 480 / 36 = 30
Discount: 384 + 360 + 480-72) / 72 = 16 yuan
Let's assume that the first team is preferential: (360-72) / 16 = 18 (people)
The second Regiment: 384 / 16 = 24 (people)
The third group: 480 / 36 = 30 (people)
Let's give some points to the brain problems!
1. In the arithmetic sequence, A2 + A6 + A8 + A10 + A14 = 30, S15 =? 2. In the arithmetic sequence, a1 + A2 + a3 = - 24, A18 + A19 + A20 = 78. S20 =?
1.a2+a14=a6+a10=2a8a2+a6+a8+a10+a14=5a8=30a8=6S15=a1+a2+…… +A15 = 14a8 + A8 = 15a8 = 902. A1 + A2 + a3 = - 24 (1) A18 + A19 + A20 = 78 (2) (2) - (1) get: 17D + 17D + 17D = 102d = 2 (1) + (2) get: 3A1 + 3D + 3A1 + 54d = 54a1 = - 10s20 = 20 (- 10) + 10 * 19 * 2 = 180
1.a2+a6+a8+a10+a14=5a8=30 a8=6
2.a1+a2+a3=-24 3a2=-24 a2=-8
a18+a19+a20=3a19=78 a19=26
a19-a2=17d=34 d=2
a1=-10 a20=28
A construction site uses 34 tons of cement in September, of which 89 tons are used in the second half of the month?
According to the meaning of the question: the output ratio of the first half of the month and the second half of the month is 9:8; then the consumption in the first half of the month is 34 (9 + 8) × 9, = 34 (17) × 9, = 18 (tons); in the second half of the month: 34-18 = 16 (tons); a: 18 tons are used in the first half of the month, and 16 tons are used in the second half of the month
A group of 51 people stay in a hotel. The hotel rooms have standard rooms (double rooms) and single rooms
A tour group of 51 people to a hotel accommodation, hotel rooms have standard room (double room) and single room, now can provide two kinds of rooms, a total of 31 rooms, if the passenger happens to live in 31 rooms, how many of these two kinds of rooms?
There are x single rooms and 31-x double rooms
The solution is: x = 11
So there are 11 single rooms and 31-11 double rooms = 20
There are single X rooms and double (31-x) rooms.
Therefore, from the meaning of the title, we can see that: x + 2 * (31-x) = 51,
The solution is x = 11,
So there are 11 single rooms and 20 double rooms