The two trains of Party A and Party B depart from two places 275km apart and meet 2.5 hours later. It is known that the speed of train B is 60km per hour, How many kilometers does car a travel per hour Fang Chengjie

The two trains of Party A and Party B depart from two places 275km apart and meet 2.5 hours later. It is known that the speed of train B is 60km per hour, How many kilometers does car a travel per hour Fang Chengjie

If the velocity of a is set to x, the following results can be obtained
A speed = 275 △ 2.5-60 = 110-60 = 50 km / h
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The two trains of Party A and Party B leave from two places 275km apart and meet 2.5 hours later. It is known that the speed of car B is 60km per hour, and how many kilometers per hour does car a travel
275 / 2.5 = 110
110 - 60 = 55 km/h
The two trains of Party A and Party B leave from two places 275km apart and meet 2.5 hours later. It is known that the speed of car B is 60km per hour, and how many kilometers per hour does car a travel
=50 km / h
The total speed of a and B vehicles is 275 △ 2.5 = 110 (km / h)
The speed of car a is 110-60 = 50 (km / h)
Is the question too simple?
Car a travels 50 kilometers per hour
The distance between the two places is 405 km. The two trains leave from the two places at the same time and meet in 1.5 hours. It is known that the speed of car a is 80% of that of car B. the speed of the two trains can be calculated
The sum of hourly speed of a and B vehicles is: 405 △ 1.5 = 270 km
B. the speed is 270 ÷ (80% + 1) = 150 km / h
The speed of a is 270-150 km / h = 120 km
A and B two trains from 450 kilometers away from each other at the same time, after five hours just meet. Known that the speed of car a is 1.5 times that of car B, find the speed of car a?
Speed of car a = 450 △ 5 △ 1 + 1.5) × 1.5 = 90 △ 2.5 × 1.5 = 36 × 1.5 = 54km / h
The speed of a = 1.5x450 / 2.5x5 = 54
Two trains a and B leave from a and B at the same time. After six hours of meeting, the two trains continue to run at the original speed. After four hours, train a arrives at B. It is known that train a travels 12 kilometers more per hour than train B. how many kilometers does train a travel per hour
Suppose car a travels x kilometers per hour, then car B Travels (X-12) kilometers per hour. The feasible equation is: [x + (X-12)] × 6 = (6 + 4) x [2x-12] × 6 = 10x, 12x-72 = 10x, x = 36. A: car a travels 36 kilometers per hour
A truck with a weight of 60000 n drives up a slope with a length of 1000 m and a height of 40 m at a constant speed. In addition to gravity, the resistance in motion is equal to 0.06% of the vehicle weight
1. Engine traction
2. Total, active and extra work
3. What's the power of the engine when the car goes uphill at a constant speed of 36 km / h
The component force along the slope is F1 = 60000n × 40 / 1000 = 2400N
Resistance f = 60000n × 0.06 = 3600n
The car runs at a constant speed
1. Engine traction f = F1 + F = 2400N + 3600n = 6000N
2. Total work w = f × s = 6000N × 1000m = 6000000j
Useful work W1 = g × H = 60000n × 40m = 2400000j
Additional work W2 = w-w1 = 6000000j-2400000j = 3600000j
A few friends go shopping in a scenic spot. If you buy two sun hats and three bottles of mineral water, it costs 52 yuan; if you buy one sun hat and two bottles of mineral water, it costs 28 yuan?
The sun cap is 20 yuan and the mineral water is 4 yuan
A and B leave from a and B at the same time and meet at 36km from the midpoint after 3 hours. It is known that the speed ratio of a and B is 3:2. How many kilometers are there between a and B?
A: the distance between a and B is 360 km
Ask a few questions about the addition and subtraction of quadratic radical in mathematics!
Two out of two plus 18-4 √ 2 / 1
The addition and subtraction method with a root sign mainly considers removing the denominator, that is, multiplying the numerator denominator by the denominator at the same time, and then adding and subtracting the number before the root sign. For example, t stands for the root sign, 2 / T2-3 / T2 = 2 * T2 / T2 * T2 - (3 * T2 / T2 * T2) = t2-3t2 / 2 = - T2 / 2
For the first question, 2 / T2 + t18-4t1 / 2 = 2 * T2 / T2 * T2 + T (3 * 3 * 2) - 4 * T2 / T2 * T2 = T2 + 3t2-2t2 = T2
The last one uses the formula (a + b) (a-b) = the square of a - the square of B
Is it two out of one in 4 √ 2 / 1 radical
What does 2x √ X / 1 mean
What's the problem?
What does 2x √ X / 1 mean
Someone pushes a car westward with a force of 20n in the horizontal direction. What is the resistance to the car______ N. The direction is______ .
The car moves to the west at a constant speed in the horizontal direction. The object is pulled to the west by the balance force in the horizontal direction, with the size of 20n. According to the balance condition of the two forces, the resistance of the car is horizontally eastward, with the size of 20n. So the answer is: 20; horizontally eastward
How many grams is a bottle of mineral water
Five hundred and fifty
Six hundred
About 500 grams
Generally, it's 550ml ~ 600ml. 600ml is large. Of course, the mass of extra large water is 1g per cubic centimeter, so a bottle of water is about 550 ~ 600g~
A kilogram is 500 grams, a bottle of water is about 500 grams
550ml of Master Kang's. I don't know anything else
It weighs about 500 grams
It's usually 500g ~ 600g
Specifically, you will see how many ml it is marked, that is, how many grams.
Such as Wahaha pure water standard 596ml, that is 596g.