123456789 = 1 add the operation symbol between the numbers to make the equation hold

123456789 = 1 add the operation symbol between the numbers to make the equation hold

Bicycle, ship, car, train?
Bicycles, ships, cars, trains
One by half plus two by one-third plus three by one-quarter
1/(1*2)+1/(2*3)+1/(3*4)+…… +1/(2010*2011)
=(1-1/2)+ (1/2-1/3)+ (1/3-1/4)+…… +(1/2010-1/2011)
I'm tired of typing. Give me more points
Connect the nine numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 with operation symbols to form an equation, so that the result is 100
There are 15 buses in the parking lot of a bus company. They start to leave at 6 am (the first bus leaves at 6 am), and then leave every 6 minutes. One bus enters the parking lot 3 minutes after the first bus leaves, and then one bus enters the parking lot every 8 minutes. The buses entering the parking lot leave after the original 15 buses. When is the time when there is no bus in the parking lot for the first time?
Let x = 6 (s − 1) s = y + 158y ﹥ x − 3 ﹥ 8 (S-15) ﹥ 6 (s-1) - 3, then s ﹥ 55.5, ∵ s is a positive integer, ﹥ s = 56, that is to say, after the 56th car leaves, there is no vehicle in the parking lot for the first time, then x = 6 (56-1) = 330, 6 + 33060 = 11.5 (H), a: to 11:3 (0 point) when there is no vehicle in the parking lot for the first time
Math problem (one minus one half) multiply (one minus one third) multiply (one minus one fourth) Multiply (one minus ninety-nine percent) by (one minus one hundredth percent)
(one minus one half) multiply (one minus one third) multiply (one minus one fourth) Multiply (one minus ninety-nine percent) multiply (one minus one hundredth percent)
=1/2×2/3×3/4×…… ×98/99×99/100
It is equal to 189; × 2 / 3 × & 190 X 99% of 100, and then the middle can be dropped, which is equal to 1% of 100. You can see it by listing the calculation.
How to add addition and subtraction symbols to the numbers 123456789 to make their algebraic sum equal to 100
There are 11 answers
100=1+23-4+5+6+78-9=123 -45-67+89= -1+2-3+4+5+6+78+9 123+45-67+8-9=100.123+4-5+67-89=100.1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8*9=100 12+3+4+5-6-7+89=100 12-3-4+5+6+7+89=100 @o@
Buses in a city are divided into ordinary buses, trams and luxury cars
Take an example
Mathematical problems of Statistics
Kindergartens buy a lot of plastic toys for monkeys, dogs and horses. Each child can choose two toys at will. How many children can guarantee that there are two candidates with the same toys?
It's very simple
3 + 1 = 4
123456789 plus what operation symbol equals 60
1+2*3*4 +5+6+7+8+9
This morning, Beijing time, U.S. media reporters revealed that the Lakers, the Hornets and the Rockets are discussing a three-way deal, and the deal is very close to completion. In this deal, Paul will go to the Los Angeles team to join Kobe, and the Rockets will send Martin + Scola + other chips to the Hornets,