Push a cylindrical oil barrel with a bottom radius of 0.5m to the corner, and the oil barrel rolls 6 times. Then how many meters are there from a to B (a is the corresponding point of the bottom center of the cylindrical oil barrel, B is the point of the corner) 2. In order to measure the volume of a wine bottle with a height of 30cm, a bottom radius of 8cm, and a liquid height of 15cm, the wine bottle is inverted and some data are measured. At this time, the liquid height is 20cm, and the volume of the wine bottle is calculated

Push a cylindrical oil barrel with a bottom radius of 0.5m to the corner, and the oil barrel rolls 6 times. Then how many meters are there from a to B (a is the corresponding point of the bottom center of the cylindrical oil barrel, B is the point of the corner) 2. In order to measure the volume of a wine bottle with a height of 30cm, a bottom radius of 8cm, and a liquid height of 15cm, the wine bottle is inverted and some data are measured. At this time, the liquid height is 20cm, and the volume of the wine bottle is calculated

1. Calculate the circumference of the bottom of the cylinder, the radius of the cylinder is 0.5m, the cylinder has rolled 6 times, so π * 2 * 0.5 * 6 = 3.14 * 6 = 18.84a is the corresponding point of the bottom center of the cylinder oil barrel, B is the point of the corner, there is an implicit condition, the above calculation results also need to add a radius of 0.5 = 18.84 + 0.5 = 19.342
In the following formula, both sides of the equal sign are not equal. Please change the positions of the two numbers on the left side of the equal sign to make both sides of the equal sign equal. 0.2 × 0.07 + 0.4 × 0.6 + 0.5 × 0.9 + 0.18 + 0.3 = 1
0.07 0.3
Obviously, you have to put 0.07 in one place, otherwise, if you multiply it, it will become three decimal places,
And there is a decimal and alone together only 0.3
So I tried, just right
At the same time, passenger cars and freight cars leave from 430km away. The speed of passenger cars is 60km per hour, and the speed of freight cars is four fifths of that of passenger cars
A few hours later, the two cars are 70 kilometers apart?
Truck speed = 60 × 4 / 5 = 48km / h
Time = (430-70) / (60 + 48) = 360 / 108 = 10 / 3 (hours)
Truck speed = 60 × 4 / 5 = 48km / h
Time = (430-70) / (60 + 48) = 360 / 108 = 10 / 3 (hours)
The unit price of 20 ballpoint pens and 21 pencils is 71.5 yuan
2 Xiaoqiang and Xiaogang have more than 100 cartoons. If Xiaoqiang gives Xiaogang x, Xiaoqiang is 3 / 5 less than Xiaogang. If Xiaogang gives Xiaoqiang x, Xiaogang is 3 / 8 less than Xiaoqiang. How many cartoons do they have?
You can't directly calculate the formula. Please tell me why you use this formula and what it stands for. If the reward is not enough, it will be increased
2: Xiaogang's cartoons are 3 / 5 less than Xiaogang's, Xiaoqiang's cartoons are 1-3 / 5 = 2 / 5 of Xiaogang's, and all cartoons are 1 + 2 / 5 = 7 / 5 of Xiaogang's. Xiaogang's cartoons are 3 / 8 less than Xiaoqiang's, Xiaogang's cartoons are 1-3 / 8 = 5 / 8 of Xiaoqiang's, and all cartoons are 1 + 5 / 8 = 13 / 8 of Xiaoqiang's. it is speculated that the total number of cartoons is more than 100, so it should be 7 * 13 * 2 = 182
In the following formula, the two sides of the equal sign are not equal. Please change the position of the two numbers on the left side of the equal sign to make the two sides of the equal sign equal
No need to write the answer directly
Is there a mistake in the formula
It's not right
It takes 6 hours for a bus to go from place a to place B, and 8 hours for a truck to go from place B to place a. the two cars start from two places at the same time, and the truck runs when they meet
A math problem: it takes 6 hours for a bus to go from place a to place B, and 8 hours for a truck to go from place B to place a. the two cars start from two places at the same time and leave each other. When they meet, the freight car runs 240 kilometers. How many kilometers are there between a and B
1 ÷ (1 / 6 + 1 / 8) = 24 / 7 (hours)
Speed of freight car: 70 / 240 km
Distance between a and B: 70 × 8 = 560 (km)
a. The remainder of B and C divided by 11 are 7, 9 and 3 respectively. Find the remainder of (a + B + C) (a-b) (B-C) divided by 11. Ask Dashen to help solve this fifth grade holiday assignment problem... I'm not able to do it···
(a + B + C) (a-b) (B-C) divided by 11 is equal to (a + B + C) (a-b) (B-C) divided by 11 and then multiplied. Because the remainder of a, B, C divided by 11 is 7,9,3 respectively, so (a + B + C) divided by 11 is equal to 7 + 9 + 3 = 19 divided by 11, (a-b) divided by 11 is equal to 11 + 7-9 = 9 divided by 11, (B-C) divided by 11 is equal to 9-3 = 6 divided by 11 (7 + 9 + 3) * (11 + 7-9) * (9
-Ask: give me a detailed process, or I can't tell you···
Change the position of the two numbers on the left side of the equal sign, so that both sides of the equal sign are equal,
Change the last two numbers: 0.07 and 0.3
The key to solve the problem: note that any 0. X multiplied by 0.07 will get three decimal places, and excluding 0.07, the operation results between other items are up to two decimal places, therefore, 0.07 should be taken out separately for addition
I came across a math problem: the bus and the truck start from a and B at the same time and run in opposite directions. When the two cars meet, the distance of the bus is 30% more than that of the truck
You don't have corresponding numbers. What's the problem? You can't do it
What's your problem? - -!
What's the question?
Meet, travel time is the same, set to t, you can get the speed ratio
What's the problem?
The distance ratio of passenger train to train is 4:3 and the speed ratio is 3:4
"Yiwan" railway is the most expensive railway construction in China at present, with an average cost of 60 million yuan per kilometer, 7 / 8 more than "TIANTI" Qinghai Tibet railway. How many million yuan per kilometer does the Qinghai Tibet Railway cost?
Arithmetic solution:
6000 △ 1 + 7 / 8 = 6000 × 8 / 15 = 32 million yuan / km
Equation solution:
The cost of building a ladder is x 10000 yuan / km;
The solution is x = 3200
Let the ladder be X
Then x * (1 + 7 / 8) = 6000
6000 * (1-7 / 8) = 7.5 million yuan
32 million yuan
The average cost per kilometer of Qinghai Tibet railway is 10000 yuan
60 million / (1 + 7 / 8) = 60 million / (15 / 8) = 32 million
The average cost of Qinghai Tibet railway is 32 million yuan per kilometer