An engineering team uses two large and small trucks to transport 350 bags of cement. The large truck transports 40 bags each time, and the small truck transports 10 bags less than the large truck each time An engineering team uses two large and small trucks to transport 350 bags of cement. The large truck transports 40 bags each time, and the small truck transports 10 bags less than the large truck each time. 1 how many times can it be transported? 2 how many bags each truck transports?

An engineering team uses two large and small trucks to transport 350 bags of cement. The large truck transports 40 bags each time, and the small truck transports 10 bags less than the large truck each time An engineering team uses two large and small trucks to transport 350 bags of cement. The large truck transports 40 bags each time, and the small truck transports 10 bags less than the large truck each time. 1 how many times can it be transported? 2 how many bags each truck transports?

350 / (40 + 30) = 5 times
So: five times
Big truck: 5x40 = 200 bags
Small truck: 5x30 = 150 bags
A total of 7 trucks of 5 tons and 3 tons are used to transport 29 tons of vegetables to the city?
If x carts are set, then
The solution is x = 4
Then there are 7-4 cars = 3
Let's say it's all trucks carrying vegetables.
5x7 = 35 (ton)
35-29 = 6 (tons)
5-3 = 2 (ton)
6 / 2 = 3 (cars)... Small
7-3 = 4 (vehicles)...... large
A pile of sand is piled into a cone with a circumference of 56.52 meters at the bottom. What is the volume of sand? How many trucks with a load of 5 tons can be used to transport it at least once?
Radius 56.52 △ 3.14 △ 2 = 9m
Volume 3.14 × 9 × 9 × 3 × 1 / 3 = 254.34 M3
It needs 254.34 △ 5 ≈ 51 times
Bottom radius = 56.52 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 9m
Volume = 9 × 9 × 3.14 × 3 × 1 / 3 = 254.34 M3
Π d = 56.52 d = 18 r = 9 (Πr ^ 2 * 3) / 3 = (3.14 * 81 * 3) / 3 = 254.34 sand volume is 254.34 sand density is 2.5g/m ^ 3 to calculate the mass of sand, take the density times the volume, but the unit is different, it needs to be simplified and finally divided by 5
1/1×3+1/3×5+1/5×7+… +1/17×19+1/9×21=?
1/1×3+1/3×5+1/5×7+… +1/17×19+1/9×21
In the second day, there were only 15.5% of the stories in the whole book, but there were no stories left in the first day?
The first method: the total pages of the storybook: 24 △ 15 = 24 × 5 = 120 (pages), the remaining pages: 120 × (1-15-37.5%), = 120 × 0.425, = 51 (pages), the second method: 24 △ 15-24 - (24 △ 15 × 37.5%) = 120-24 - (120 × 37.5%), = 96-45, = 51 (pages). A: there are 51 Pages left to read
From city a to city B, the bus can arrive in 8 hours. What's the average part of the whole journey per hour? What's the average part of the whole journey per 5 hours?
Please describe the formula in words
It seems that you are a child... Let me answer for you!
If city a to city B is set to 1, you can get there in 8 hours, which is one eighth of the whole journey per hour on average. 5 hours is also five eighths
There are two granaries in the grain station. The original grain storage in warehouse A is 140% of that in warehouse B. after 42 tons of grain are transported out of warehouse A, the grain storage in warehouse B is 14 / 25 times of that in warehouse A. how many tons of grain are stored in warehouse a?
42÷(140% - 14/25)
=50 tons
Warehouse B used to store 50 tons of grain
50 × 140% = 70 (tons)
A warehouse originally stored 70 tons of grain
Take warehouse B as unit 1
Then 1 × 140% of grain stored in warehouse A is 7 / 5
After 42 tons from warehouse A
Grain stored in warehouse a 1 / (25 / 14) = 14 / 25
So the original grain storage in warehouse B is 42 / (7 / 5-14 / 25) = 42 / (21 / 25) = 50 tons
The original grain storage in warehouse A is 50 × 7 / 5 = 70 tons
Let B store a ton of grain and a store 140% a = 7a / 5
According to the meaning of the title
50 mathematical problems with answers in grade one of junior middle school
Holiday homework, 50 and have the answer of the first mathematics
1、 Fill in the blanks (3 points for each sub question, 24 points in total)
1.(-1)2002-(-1)2003=_________________ .
Answer: 2
2. If we know that a certain number is larger than it, if we assume that a certain number is x, then the equation can be formulated_______________ .
Answer: x = x+
3. As shown in Figure 1, points a, B, C and D are on line L. then BC=_________ -CD,AB+________ +CD = ad; if AB = BC = CD, then ab=________ BD.
Figure 1
Answer: BD, BC,
4. If ∠α = 41 ° 32 ', then its residual angle is____________ Its complement is__________ .
Answer: 48 ° 28 ', 138 ° 28'
5. As shown in Figure 2, calculate the following angles: ∠ 1=___________ ,∠2=___________ ,∠3=___________ .
Figure 2
Answer: 62.5 degrees, 25 degrees, 130 degrees
6. When two lines intersect, there is_____________ Three intersection points; three straight lines intersect each other at most_____________ There are at least two intersections_____________ There are two intersections
Answer: and only one, three, one
7.38°12′=_____________ °,67.5°=__________ °___________ ′.
Answer: 38.2, 67, 30
8. If x2-3x = 1 is a linear equation of one variable with respect to x, then a=_________________ .
2、 Multiple choice questions: (3 points for each sub question, 24 points in total)
9. In the following statements, the correct one is
A. A is not a negative number B. - A is a negative number
C. - (- a) must be a positive number D. not an integer
Answer: a
10. There are any three points on the plane. Draw a straight line through the two points, and you can draw a line
A. One straight line B. two straight lines C. three straight lines D. one or three straight lines
Answer: D
11. In the following drawing sentences, the correct one is
A. Draw a ray OP = 3 cm B. connect two points a and B
C. Draw the midpoint D of a and B. draw the distance between a and B
Answer: B
12. Among the following figures that can be folded into a cube are
Figure 3
A. 1 B.2 C.3 D.4
Answer: D
13. The following figure is, it is the figure on the left after rotating around the line L for one circle
Figure 4
Answer: D
14. Figure 5 is a statistical chart of crops in a village, in which the proportion of rice is
Figure 5
A.40% B.72% C.48% D.52%
Answer: C
15. The following statement is correct
① All right angles are equal. ② all remaining angles are equal. ③ the complements of equal angles are equal. ④ equal angles are right angles
A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.③④
Answer: B
16. If X - (2Y + 1) 2 = 0, then the value of x2 + Y2 is
A. B.
C.- D.-
Answer: B
3、 Answer the following questions
17. Calculation questions (3 points for each sub question, 12 points in total)
(1)(- )×(-1 )÷(-1 ) (2)32÷(-2)3+(-2)3×(- )-22
(3)( - )÷( - )2÷(-6)2-(- )2
(4)1 ×〔3×(- )2-1〕- 〔(-2)2-(4.5)÷3〕
Answer: (1) - 1 (2) - 2 (3) - (4) -
18. Solving equations: (5 points for each sub question, 10 points in total)
(1) 〔 ( x- )-8〕= x+1
(2) - - =0
Answer: (1) x = - (2) x = -
19. (6 points) as shown in Figure 6, AOB is known to be a straight line, OC bisects ∠ AOD, ∠ BOD = 50 ° and calculates the degree of ∠ AOC
Figure 6
Answer: 65 degrees
20. (6 points) three times the remainder of an angle is 18 ° larger than the complement of the angle
Answer: 36 degrees
21. (6 points) make appropriate statistical chart to show the data in the table below:
China's previous population census after 1949
Year 1953 1964 1982 1990 2000
Population (100 million) 5946.95 10.08 11.34 12.95
Answer: can make bar chart (omitted)
22. (12 points) a passenger train is 200 m long and a freight train is 280 m long. They run in parallel tracks. After 18 seconds, the speed ratio of the passenger train to the freight train is known to be 5:3. How many meters do the two cars travel per second?
Suppose the speed of the bus is 5x, then the speed of the truck is 3x
The solution is x =, that is, the speed of the passenger car is m / s. The speed of the freight car is 10 m / s
reference material:
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54980516 [Master] 2009-1-12 09:35:04 222.64.119
Can I have the answer? The final test paper of the first semester of grade seven
(time: 100 minutes, Full Score: 100)
1、 3 points for each question
1.(-1)2002-(-1)2003=_________________ .
Answer: 2
If the number of the equation is known to be 2, then it can be set to be greater than a certain number_______________ .
Answer: x = x+
3. As shown in Figure 1, points a, B, C and D are on line L. then BC=_________ -CD,AB+________ +CD = ad; if AB = BC = CD, then ab=________ BD.
Figure 1
Answer: BD, BC,
4. If ∠α = 41 ° 32 ', then its residual angle is____________ It's complement__________ .
Answer: 48 ° 28 ', 138 ° 28'
5. As shown in Figure 2, calculate the following angles: ∠ 1=___________ ,∠2=___________ ,∠3=___________ .
Figure 2
Answer: 62.5 degrees, 25 degrees, 130 degrees
6. When two lines intersect, there is_____________ Three intersection points; three straight lines intersect each other at most_____________ There are at least two intersections_____________ There are two intersections
Answer: and only one, three, one
7.38°12′=_____________ °,67.5°=__________ °___________ ′.
Answer: 2,38,30
8. If x2-3x = 1 is a linear equation of one variable with respect to x, then a=_________________ .
2、 Multiple choice questions: (3 points for each sub question, 24 points in total)
9. In the following statements, the correct one is
A. A is not a negative number B. - A is a negative number
C. - (- a) must be a positive number D. not an integer
Answer: a
10. There are any three points on the plane. Draw a straight line through the two points, and you can draw a line
A. One straight line B. two straight lines C. three straight lines D. one or three straight lines
Answer: D
11. In the following drawing sentences, the correct one is
A. Draw a ray OP = 3 cm B. connect two points a and B
C. Draw the midpoint D of a and B. draw the distance between a and B
Answer: B
12. Among the following figures that can be folded into a cube are
Figure 3
A. 1 B.2 C.3 D.4
Answer: D
13. The following figure is, it is the figure on the left after rotating around the line L for one circle
Figure 4
Answer: D
14. Figure 5 is a statistical chart of crops in a village, in which the proportion of rice is
Figure 5
A.40% B.72% C.48% D.52%
Answer: C
15. The following statement is correct
① All right angles are equal. ② all remaining angles are equal. ③ the complements of equal angles are equal. ④ equal angles are right angles
A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.③④
Answer: B
16. If X - (2Y + 1) 2 = 0, then the value of x2 + Y2 is
A. B.
C.- D.-
Answer: B
3、 Answer the following questions
17. Calculation questions (3 points for each sub question, 12 points in total)
(1)(- )×(-1 )÷(-1 ) (2)32÷(-2)3+(-2)3×(- )-22
(3)( - )÷( - )2÷(-6)2-(- )2
(4)1 ×〔3×(- )2-1〕- 〔(-2)2-(4.5)÷3〕
Answer: (1) - 1 (2) - 2 (3) - (4) -
18. Solving equations: (5 points for each sub question, 10 points in total)
(1) 〔 ( x- )-8〕= x+1
(2) - - =0
Answer: (1) x = - (2) x = -
19. (6 points) as shown in Figure 6, AOB is known to be a straight line, OC bisects ∠ AOD, ∠ BOD = 50 ° and calculates the degree of ∠ AOC
Figure 6
Answer: 65 degrees
20. (6 points) three times the remainder of an angle is 18 ° larger than the complement of the angle
Answer: 36 degrees
21. (6 points) make appropriate statistical chart to show the data in the table below:
China's previous population census after 1949
Year 1953 1964 1982 1990 2000
Population (100 million) 5946.95 10.08 11.34 12.95
Answer: can make bar chart (omitted)
22. (12 points) a passenger train is 200 m long and a freight train is 280 m long. They run in parallel tracks. After 18 seconds, the speed ratio of the passenger train to the freight train is known to be 5:3. How many meters do the two cars travel per second?
Suppose the speed of the bus is 5x, then the speed of the truck is 3x
The solution is x =, that is, the speed of the passenger car is m / s. The speed of the freight car is 10 m / s
reference material:
]Mathematics review at the end of the seventh grade
Full Score (90 minutes)
1、 Multiple choice questions: (3 points for each sub question, 24 points in total)
1. In, -, 3.14,2 +, -, 0,1.2626666 The number of irrational numbers is ()
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 d. 6
2. If A-3 B.x
Xiao Ming read a story book. On the first day, he read 24 pages, accounting for one fifth of the whole book. On the second day, he read 37.5% of the whole book. How many pages are left?
1 / 5, that is 20%, divide 24 by 1 / 5 = 120 to get the total pages of the storybook, and then 120 * (1-20% - 37.5%) = 52 (pages) a: there are 52 pages left to read. Hope to adopt!
24 times five is 120, and then 120 times 62.5
Give me 75 points