A unit organized 680 people to travel, now there are two kinds of cars to rent, a car is limited to 26 people, B car is limited to 19 people. Please design an optimal car scheme for this tour

A unit organized 680 people to travel, now there are two kinds of cars to rent, a car is limited to 26 people, B car is limited to 19 people. Please design an optimal car scheme for this tour

The so-called excellent scheme is to make full use of the car space. There are 16 class a cars, 14 class B cars, 16 × 26 + 14 × 19 = 682 seats, which should be the best scheme
There are 452 students in grade 4 going to travel. There are two kinds of coaches in the travel company. The coach is limited to 38 people, and the car is limited to 24 people. How can I rent a car? Write the math
38X( 10 )+24X( 3 )=452
During the summer vacation, Xiao Zhang's family travel by car. In order to experience the quality of life, they plan to travel by car every day
If the car travels 19 kilometers more than the original plan every day, it will reach its destination in 8 days; if the car travels 12 kilometers less than the original plan every day, it will take 9 days to travel the same distance. Find the original planned daily travel range of the car (unit: km)
8(X+19)=9(X-12) X=44
The total stock of warehouse A and warehouse B is 360 tons, of which 1 / 4 of warehouse A is equal to 1 / 5 of warehouse B. how many tons are there in each warehouse?
A: 160
B: 200
The first way: the distance between a and B is 49 kilometers. An explorer walks from a to B, and finishes the whole journey in two sections at different speeds, which takes 9 hours. His average speeds in the first and second sections are 6 km / h and 5 km / h respectively. Find out the length of the first and second sections
Let the first distance be X
Second section: 49-24 = 25
Let the first segment be x and the second segment be 49-x
X = 24 km
The second segment is 49-x = 49-24 = 25 km
Let X be used in the first period, then 9-x be used in the second period,
So, x = 4, 9-x = 5
Then the first section is 6 * 4 = 24 (km)
The second section is 5 * 5 = 25 (km)
Suppose: the first section takes x hours, and the second section takes y hours
The first section 6x4 = 24km, the second section 5x5 = 25km
Upstairs is also right. This is the second way. I think it's better
If the first journey takes x hours, the second journey takes (9-x) hours
Total distance = 6x + 5 (9-x) = 49
The solution is x = 4
So the first distance = 6x = 24, the second distance = 5 * 5 = 25, the unit is not written
Let the length of the first segment be x and the length of the second segment be y, then x + y = 49
The values of X and y can be calculated, that is, the length of the first and second segments.
Solution 1: let him walk x kilometers in the first segment and Y kilometers in the second segment,
The following equation can be obtained from the question:
X+Y=49 ………… (1)
(X/6)+(Y/5)=9 ………… II.
The conclusion is: x = 24, y = 25
Solution 2: let him walk x hours in the first segment and Y hours in the second segment,
The following equation can be obtained from the question:
6X + 5Y = 49... Expansion
Solution 1: let him walk x kilometers in the first segment and Y kilometers in the second segment,
The following equation can be obtained from the question:
X+Y=49 ………… (1)
(X/6)+(Y/5)=9 ………… II.
The conclusion is: x = 24, y = 25
Solution 2: let him walk x hours in the first segment and Y hours in the second segment,
The following equation can be obtained from the question:
6X+5Y=49 ………… (1)
X+Y=9 ………… II.
The conclusion is: x = 4, y = 5
Then the distance of the first section is 6x = 24
The distance of the second section is 5Y = 25
If the first section is x kilometers long, the second section is (49-x) kilometers long
Then 49-x = 25
A: the first section is 24 kilometers long, and the second section is 25 kilometers long.
On the first day, I read six pages more than one sixth of the whole book. On the second day, I read eight pages less than one eighth of the whole book. Finally, there are 172 pages left. How many pages are there in this book
(172-8 + 6) / (1-1 / 6-1 / 8) = 240 Pages
Suppose there are x pages in this book.
A: there are 240 Pages in this book.
Suppose there are x pages in this book.
A: there are 240 Pages in this book.
(172-8 + 6) / (1-1 / 6-1 / 8) = 240 Pages
From city a to city B, the car took two fifths of the whole journey in eight hours. At the same speed, it took another four hours. How much of the whole journey did it take?
It's all the way every hour
2 / 5 △ 8 = 1 / 20
All right
8 + 4 = 12 (hours)
The whole journey was completed
1 / 20 × 12 = 3 / 5
2 / 5 △ 8 = 1 / 20 of the whole journey per hour
Another 4 hours, a total of 8 + 4 = 12 hours, a total of 12 × 1 / 20 = 3 / 5
Two fifths in eight hours, one fifth in four hours. Three fifths in all.
8 divided by 0.4 = 20,8 + 4 = 12,12 divided by 20 = 0.6
Two fifths divided by eight. Multiply that by four. Then add two fifths
It's all the way every hour
2 / 5 △ 8 = 1 / 20, total line
8 + 4 = 12 (hours)
So the whole process: 1 / 20 × 12 = 3 / 5
The total amount of grain stored in the two warehouses is 270 tons, of which 1 / 4 of the stock in warehouse A is equal to 1 / 5 of the stock in warehouse B. how many tons are there in each warehouse
Set a warehouse stock x tons
Fill the nine numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the nine spaces of "71", so that the sum of each horizontal and vertical number is 13
○ ○○
○ ○○
: 6
3 2 8
1 7 5
4 9
Two hundred and forty-seven
3 1 9
I don't know where to fill in 5, but you only have 8 boxes. I'm sorry, question 6 has been set in the top first box of "seven"
Xiao Hua read a book. On the first day, he read 18 pages more than 21, and on the second day, he read 16 pages less than 6, with 172 pages left. How many pages are there in this story book?
Suppose there are x pages in this story book, the number of pages read on the first day: 18x + 21, the number of pages read on the second day: 16x-6, X - (18x + 21) - (16x-6) = 172, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X -- 18x-21-16x + 6 = 172, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp