How many degrees is 0.676 sine? How to calculate it with calculator? As the title

How many degrees is 0.676 sine? How to calculate it with calculator? As the title

First press sin ^ (- 1), then enter 0.676, and finally press enter

How to calculate the sine of 80 degrees and 13 minutes with an ordinary calculator?

One degree is 60 minutes, 13 minutes is 13 / 60 degrees. Use a calculator to get a decimal, add 80 degrees, and then take the sine

How does my calculator calculate sin? Isn't sin30 half

If you calculate it to be - 3169824 Your calculator is currently in radian mode (RAD) instead of the regular DEG mode
If this is the case, it is recommended that the building owner switch through the mode key (mode) and try again

Casio 4800 calculator calculates sin30 ° and the result is not 0.5, but shows 500. M. what's the matter? How to adjust it to equal to 0.5, how to turn off eng? Note: it's 4800P

There are angle D, radian R and gradient (or centigrade). Adjust the angle to display D


Sin30 ° + cos 45 ° + Tan 60 ° - cot30 ° = 1 / 2 + 1 + root 3 - root 3 = 3 / 2


The title is cot30, right?
If it is: the original formula = 1 / 2 + (root 2 / 2) ^ 2 + root 3-3 / root 3 + (root 2 / 2) ^ 2

What is cos30 ° cos45 ° + sin30 ° sin45 ° equal?

=V3/2*V2/*2 +1/2*V2/2
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Calculate the cosin30 ° - 2sin45 ° + root 3tan30 ° of COS 45 ° to Cos 60 ° fraction

Cos 45 ° root 2
Cos 60 ° 1 / 2
Sin30 ° 1 / 2
Sin45 ° root 2
Tan 30 ° root 3
The final answer is 3 minus 1 and then 6

calculation: 2sin45°-sin30°cos60°-tan45°=______ .

Original formula=
2 x

If sina is a non fixed angle value, such as sin30 degree = 1 / 2, then if Sina = 2 / 3, what degree is equal to?

If you don't need a calculator, just write arcsin 2 / 3