What is the cube of the square of (a + b) (a-b) - (B-A) (a + b)

What is the cube of the square of (a + b) (a-b) - (B-A) (a + b)

The original formula = (a + b) & sup2; (a-b) & sup3; - (a-b) & sup2; (a + b) & sup3;
Given the function y = 4x + 3 / 8, then the value range of the independent variable x is
X is any real number
How to prove that the square of a + B is greater than the square of a
If a and B are positive numbers and not equal, otherwise a = b = 0 is equal, and a and B are negative numbers, then a & sup3; + B & sup3; - A & sup2; b-ab & sup2; = (a + b) (A & sup2; - AB + B & sup2;) - AB (a + b) = (a + b) (A & sup2; - 2Ab + B & sup2;) = (a + b) (a-b) & sup2; a and B are positive numbers and not equal, so a + b > 0
If the line y = - 14x + B is the tangent of the function f (x) = 1X, then the real number B=______ .
Since the derivative y ′ = - 1x2 of function f (x) = LX, if the line y = - 14x + B and function f (x) = LX are tangent to P (m, n), then − 14 = - 1m2n = 1m & nbsp; n = - 14 · m + B & nbsp; the solution is m = 2, n = 12, B = 1 or M = - 2, n = - 12, B = - 1. In conclusion, B = ± 1, so the answer is: 1 or - 1
Among the rational numbers, there are 333, 1010.3, 1010.3, 1010.3, 1010.4, 1010.3, 1010.3, 1010.4, 1010.3, 1010.3, 1010.3, 1010.4, 1010.3, 1010.3, 1010.3, 1010.3, 1010.3
A. 2 B.3 C.4 d.5
π is an infinite acyclic decimal. It's irrational, but 3.14 is not. It's a decimal. It's rational. 2 / 5 is a fraction. It's also rational. 3.3333 if you write an infinite acyclic decimal, it should be irrational, but you don't write a circular section. 0 is a rational, integer. 0.101101110 is an acyclic decimal, but it's not marked as
If the number is correct, it's zero
Is there a functional relationship between X and Y or between Y and X
Generally speaking, X is the independent variable and Y is the function, which is self-evident. | y | = x, we get ± y = x, that is, y = ± x, which does not satisfy the uniqueness of function definition. One independent variable x corresponds to two Y values
Therefore, X and Y or Y and X do not form a functional relationship
Are real numbers that satisfy the following conditions irrational? Why?
(1) The length of the diagonal of a square with two sides
(2) The length of the diagonal of a square whose side length is root 2
(3) The length of half the diagonal of a rectangle 4 in length and 3 in width
(4) The circumference of a circle with radius 1
(1) Yes, the diagonal is 2 * root 2
(2) No, the diagonal is two
(3) No, the answer is 2.5
(4) Yes, because Pi is irrational
(1) It can be diagonal 2, root 2
(2) It's not diagonal length 2
(3) It's not diagonal 5, half is 2.5
(4) Yes
Y is the absolute value of X. is y a function of X
When x > = 0, y = X
When x
It is known that a and B are real numbers. If a + B is irrational, then a is irrational or B is irrational. Then the correct conclusion is as follows:
1. The original proposition is true
2. The inverse proposition of the original proposition is a true proposition
3. The negative proposition of is true
4. The inverse negative proposition of is a false proposition
Option 1
1 pair
Draw the function image: y = x & # 178; - 2, X ∈ Z, and the absolute value of X ≤ 2
The absolute value of X is less than or equal to 2, and X is an integer. We can know that the value of X is - 2, - 1,0,1,2
The corresponding values of Y are 2, - 1, - 2, - 1,2
Then the image of the function is actually five points (- 2,2), (- 1, - 1), (0, - 2), (1, - 1), (2,2)