It is known that 1 + cosx siny + SiNx * siny = 0, 1-cosx cosy + SiNx * cosy = 0

It is known that 1 + cosx siny + SiNx * siny = 0, 1-cosx cosy + SiNx * cosy = 0

Let's get: 1 + cosx = sin (1-sinx) (1-sinx) 1-cosx = cossy (1-sinx) (1-sinx). By adding the two squares, we can get: (1 + cosx) & sup2; + (1-cosx) & sup2; (1-cosx) (1-cosx) & sup2; = (1-sinx) & sup2; (1-sinx) (1-cosx = 1-cosx = cossy (1-sinx) (1-sinx) (1-sinx). By adding the two squares, we can get: (1 + cosx) & sup2; (1 + cosx); (1 + cosx); (1 + cosx); (1 + cosx); (1 + cosx); (1 + cosx) & sup2; (sup2; (2; (2; (2); (2); (2); (2 ± 2 {[2 [2 [2 \\\- √ 10) / 3
If the point (3,4) is a point on the inverse scale function y = M2 + 2m − 1x image, then the function image must pass through the point ()
A. (2,6)B. (2,-6)C. (4,-3)D. (3,-4)
∵ point (3,4) is a point on the inverse scale function y = M2 + 2m − 1X, and ∵ point (3,4) satisfies the inverse scale function y = M2 + 2m − 1X, ∵ 4 = M2 + 2m − 13, that is, M2 + 2m-1 = 12, ∵ point (3,4) is a point on the inverse scale function y = 12x, ∵ xy = 12; a, ∵ x = 2, y = 6, ∵ 2 × 6 = 12
Given 1 + cosx siny + SiNx * siny = 0, 1-cosx cosy + SiNx * cosy = 0, find the value of SiNx
From the problem set, we can get: 1 + cosx = siny (1-sinx). 1-cosx = cosy (1-sinx). After the square of the two formulas is added, we can get: (1 + cosx) + (1-cosx) = (1-sinx) = = = > 2 + 2cosx = 2 + 2 (1-sinx) = 1-2sinx + SiNx. = = = > 3sinx-2sinx-3 = 0. From the root formula, we can get: SiNx = [2 ± 2 √ 10] / 6 = (1 ± √ 10) / 3
(1) . function y = (A & # 178; - 2A) x ^| a + 4 | - 5, when a=____ When a is a positive proportional function=___ Time function is inverse proportion function
(2) The inverse scale function y = K-3 / X is located in one or three quadrants, the positive scale function y = (2k-9) x, y decreases with the increase of X, then the value range of K is___
A: (1)
When | a + 4 | - 5 = 1 and a & # 178; - 2A ≠ 0, that is, when a = - 6, it is a positive proportional function
When | a + 4 | - 5 = - 1 and a & # 178; - 2A ≠ 0, that is, when a = - 8, it is an inverse proportional function
(2) The inverse scale function is in quadrant 1 and 3: K-3
The increasing function sincox + y is monotone______ .
∵ function y = SiNx + 3cosx = 2Sin (x + π 3), from & nbsp; 2K π - π 2 ≤ x + π 3 ≤ 2K π + π 2, K ∈ Z, we can get 2K π - 5 π 6 ≤ x ≤ 2K π + π 6, K ∈ Z. so the monotone increasing interval of function y = SiNx + 3cosx is [2K π - 5 π 6, 2K π + π 6] (K ∈ z)
Sin (x + π / 3) increases on (- π / 2 + 2K π, π / 2 + 2K π)
X in (- 5 π / 6 + 2K π, π / 6 + 2K π)
If the point (a, - 2A) (a ≠ 0) is on the image of inverse scale function y = k divided by X, then in the first quadrant of the image, the value of function y varies with the change of independent variable x
Increase and decrease
Given the function f (x) = SiNx + 3cosx. (I) find the period and amplitude of F (x); (II) find the decreasing interval of F (x)
(I) f (x) = SiNx + 3cosx = 2Sin (x + π 3), its period T = 2 π 1 = 2 π, and its amplitude is 2; (II) from 2K π + π 2 ≤ x + π 3 ≤ 2K π + 3 π 2, it is obtained that 2K π + π 6 ≤ x ≤ 2K π + 7 π 6, K ∈ Z. the decreasing interval of the function f (x) = 2Sin (x + π 3) is [2K π + π 6, 2K π + 7 π 6], K ∈ Z
The quadratic function y = a (x-4) &#, when the independent variable x increases from 0 to 2, the value of the function increases by 6. (1) find out the function relation
(2) Explain the change of function value y with x value
So 4a-16a = 6
Axis of symmetry x = 4, opening downward
And Y decreases with x 4
Given the function y = SiNx ^ 2 + 2sinxcosx + 3cosx ^ 2,
(1) Find the minimum positive period of the function;
(2) On what interval is a function an increasing function?
(3) How can the image of a function be transformed?
Y = SiNx ^ 2 + 2sinxcosx + 3cosx ^ 2 = (SiNx ^ 2 + cosx ^ 2) + 2sinxcosx + 2cosx ^ 2 = 1 + 2sinxcosx + 2cosx ^ 2 = 2sinxcosx + (2cosx ^ 2-1) + 2 = sin2x + cos2x + 2 = √ 2Sin (2x + π / 4) + 2 (1) minimum positive period of function 2 π / 2 = π (2) function in interval [- 5 π / 8 + K π, - π / 8 + K π] (k
1. pai
2. - 3 / 8pai to Pai / 8
3. From y = sin2x, the abscissa can be reduced by 2 times and then Pai / 8 can be shifted to the left
When the function value of inverse scale function y = (A-3) x is 4, the value of independent variable x is 4
Because y = (A-3) x ^ (a ^ 2-10) is an inverse scale function
So a ^ 2-10 = - 1
A = 3 or a = - 3
If a = 3, then the function is y = 0, rounding off
So a = - 3
So y = - 6 / X
When the function value is 4