Noun phrases with quantifiers. What do you see in the singular and plural

Noun phrases with quantifiers. What do you see in the singular and plural

For example, four deers are uncountable
Apple countable, four apples
On quantifiers
And whether it's countable or uncountable
Some special plural nouns and phrases
1. leaf_________________ 2. life_________________ 3. thief_________________ 4. knife_________________ 5. shelf_________________ 6. half__________________ 7.roof_________________ 8.German_______________ 9.sheep________________ 10.deer_________________ 11.child_________________ 12.woman teacher________ 13.tooth_________________ 14.foot_________________ 15.people_______________ 16.postman______________ 19.boy________________ 20.key___________ 21.story_______________ 22.family______________ 23.century_____________ 24.baby_______________ 26.tomato_______________ 27.potato________________ 28.radio_________________ 29.zoo_________________ 30.kilo_________________ 31.photo________________ 32.businessman_________ 33.woman_______________ 34.man__________________ 35.difficulty____________ 36.monkey_____________ 37.mouse_______________ Who can help me solve this problem
leaves lives thieves knives shelves halves roofs Germans sheep deer children woman teachers teeth feet people postmen boys keys stories families centuries babies tomatoes potatoes radios zoos kilos ph...
Plural noun
When a proper noun ending in Y or a noun ending in vowel + y becomes plural, add s directly to make it plural: for example: two Mary the Henry money --- monkeys holiday --- holidays comparison: story --- stories 2)
Plural of words
Full plural duck() he() woman() shoe() tomato() mouse() dish() sheet() child() factory() bus() photo() wolf() free() man() good() tooth ()
Ducks, they, women, shoes, tomatoes, mice, dishes, sheets, children, factors, buses, photos, woods, friends, men, goose, tea
Duck, they, women, shoes, tomatoes, dishes! The plural of "sheet" is still sheet. Children, factors, photos, women, friends, men, geese, tea
It is known that the image of the line Y1 = x, y2 = 13X + 1, Y3 = - 45x + 5 is as shown in the figure. If no matter what the value of X is, y always takes the minimum value of Y1, Y2, Y3, then the maximum value of Y is______ .
As shown in the figure, the coordinates a (32, 32); B (259259); C (60173717) of the intersection of Y1, Y2 and Y3 are obtained respectively, when x < 32, y = Y1; when 32 ≤ x < 259, y = Y2; when 259 ≤ x < 6017, y = Y2; when x ≥ 6017, y = Y3. ∵ y always takes the minimum value of Y1, Y2 and Y3, ∵ y max = 3717
If f (- x) = - f (x), f (2a-x) = f (x), then t =?
Explain the detailed ideas and results
I can tell you, the result is 4a,
The purpose is to find out f (x) = f (x + T)
So f (x) = f (2a-x) = - f (x-2a) = - f (2A - (x-2a)) = - f (4a-x) = f (x-4a)
The solid period is 4a
How to find the definition range of logarithmic function
Function, y = f (x) = LG (A4 Λ x + B2 Λ x-1) / 3, the domain of definition is exactly (- 2,0), find the real numbers a, B
Let t = 2 ^ x, then 1 / 4
Given the points a (1, Y1), B (- √ 2, Y2), C (- 2, Y3) on the image of the function y = - 2x ^ 2-4x + 1, it is to compare the size relationship of Y1, Y2, Y3, and explain
It's not worth it
The function is (2x + 2) = - 4x + 1
Therefore, its axis of symmetry is: x = - 1
Therefore, among the three points, which point has the farthest abscissa from x = - 1 and which point has the largest ordinate
So, there are: Y2
Just write the x value of A.B.C (a.1 B. - √ 2 C. - 2), substitute it into y = - 2x ^ 2-4x + 1, and calculate the y value of a.b.c. it should be. I'm just imagining it
Very simple periodic function
If the image of y = f (x) is symmetric with respect to x = a, why does f (x + a) = f (A-X)? Then we deduce that f (x) = f (2a-x) is constant?
Because the image of y = f (x) is symmetric with respect to x = a
So f (x + a) = f (x-a), f (x) = - f (x)
So f (x + a) = f (A-X)
Because f (x + a) = f (x-a)
So f (x + A-A = f (x-a-a)
So f (x) = f (x-2a)
And because f (x) = - f (x)
So f (x) = f (2a-x)
Three questions about the definition and range of logarithmic function
1. If the value range of the function y = log (base 2) (true number (x ^ 2-2ax + a)) is r, then the value range of the real number a is 0 less than or equal to a less than or equal to 1
Or is a less than or equal to 0 or a greater than or equal to 1?
2. The definition field of function y = LG [x ^ 2 + (K + 2) x + 5 / 4] is r
It's K (radical 5) - 2
Or K (radical 5) - 2?
3. If f (x) = ln [(5 + k) x ^ 2 + 6x + K + 5] the domain is r, the range of K? If the domain is r, the range of K?
The second title is not quite right
The definition field of function y = LG [x ^ 2 + (K + 2) x + 5 / 4] is r
It's K (radical 5) - 2
Or - (radical 5) - 2
First question:
a> = 1 or a