When more than one teacher is the subject, is the predicate singular or plural?

When more than one teacher is the subject, is the predicate singular or plural?

More than one teacher
When "more than one..." is the subject, is the predicate singular or plural
When used as subject, the predicate is used to the singular
More than one man has been dismissed
More than one person is involved in this
The subject is regarded as three Dan, and the predicate verb is in the form of is / was / has /.
According to the grammar book, when more than compares different kinds of singular and plural countable nouns, the comparative structure usually follows the modified noun. Then an example is given: there are men more intelligent than he
What is the comparison of "different types of singular and plural countable nouns"?
There are more man intelligent than he
. than... Is used in the comparative level. Different types of singular and plural countable nouns mean that the singular and plural of countable nouns are not compared in the same category
Find the number of zeros of function f (x) = ln (x-1) + 0.01x,
The domain is x > 1
So the function increases monotonically
Therefore, there is a unique zero point in (1,2) interval
It is proved that y = xcosx is not a periodic function
It is proved that y = xcosx is not a periodic function
To the contrary, suppose the existence period T > 0
f(x)=x cos x = f(x + T) = f(x + 2T)
f(0) = f(T) = f(2T) = 0
T = (k + 1/2) * π
2T = (2k + 1) * π, and the period must be (K + 1 / 2) * π
Therefore, if the hypothesis does not hold, the function in the original question cannot be a periodic function
Given the equation x, square brackets a minus 1, the value of a plus B can be obtained from only one element a in the set a composed of multiplying x plus B equal to 0
X ^ 2 + (A-1) x + B = 0, one root is a
That is, a ^ 2 + (A-1) a + B = 0
So x ^ 2 + (A-1) x + a-2a ^ 2 = 0 has only one solution x = a
There is only one element a, that is to say, the equation has only one root x = a. So B ^ 2-4ac = (A-1) ^ 2-4b = 0, and a ^ 2 + a (a + 1) + B = O, we can get a = 1 / 3, B = 1 / 9, a + B = 4 / 9
Let y = f (x) be an odd function defined on R, and when x ≥ 0, f (x) = x & # 178; - 2x, and the function y = f (x) - A has three different zeros on R
Then the value range of function a is obtained
So there's one zero in addition to zero
If f (m) = 0
Then f (- M) = - f (m) = 0
That is, m and - M are both zero points
So the two zeros are symmetric about the origin
So there is only one solution for f (x) - a = 0 when x > 0
If △ = 0
Then a = - 1
If △ > 0
Then a > - 1
Then one is positive and the other is 0 or negative root
So x1x2 = - A
How to prove that y = xcosx is not a periodic function?
It is proved that y = xcosx is a periodic function,
Because the periodic function has f (x + T) = f (x)
So cost = 1, t = k π / 2
It can only be the contradiction between Sint = 0, t = k π and T = k π / 2
So it's not a periodic function
There are several answers to the number of elements in the set composed of the roots of the equation ax2-x + 1 = 0
1, when a = 0, there is one
When Δ > 0, i.e. a < 1 / 4, the set has two elements
When Δ = 0, there is only one equation, that is, a = 1 / 4, and the set has only one element
When Δ < 0, i.e. a > 1 / 4, there is no element and it is an empty set
The solution a = 0 is that there is one element in the set
When a = 1 / 4, there is one element in the set
When the number of elements in the set is less than 2 and a ≠ 1,
When a > 1 / 4, there are 0 elements in the set
We know that f (x) is an odd function defined on R with a period of 3. If x is (0,1.5), f (x) = ln (x2-x + 1), we can find the zeros of F (x) from 0 to 6
Including 0,6
Zero is required, so the value of the function is equal to 0, so x2-x + 1 is equal to 1, and the solution is x = 0 or 1
And because it's an odd function, the function is symmetric with respect to x = 1.5, so we can see that 0123456 are all zero points
So there are seven