What is the usage of the present continuous tense to indicate the future? What verb's present continuous tense can express the future? I only know some verbs about transfer (for example: come, go, leave) Are there any other verbs? Can you classify them for me by the way?

What is the usage of the present continuous tense to indicate the future? What verb's present continuous tense can express the future? I only know some verbs about transfer (for example: come, go, leave) Are there any other verbs? Can you classify them for me by the way?

Junior high school textbooks introduce the forms of be going to and will (shall) + verbs to express the future meaning. The present continuous tense is sometimes used to express the action that will happen according to the plan or arrangement
We are going to Mexico next Sunday
Are you coming to the cinema?
Put on your coat! I'm taking you down to the doctor
He is leaving for London two hours
We're spending next winter in Australia
What are you having for dinner?
There are only a few verbs used in this structure, such as go, arrive, come, leave, start, stay, return, play, do, have, work, wear, spend, see, meet, etc
High school textbooks - compulsory - grammar
The present progressive tense is used to express the future. One is fixed. Be going to is itself used to express the future
There is also a special verb progressive tense to express the future
These verbs are verbs of transfer. Such as leave, come, fly, go and so on. Represents a transfer of location
Does the present continuous tense of the instant verb mean the future?
i'm coming.
Is "come" an instantaneous verb?
Is it possible to express the future with verbs that contain movement?
Instantaneous verb is also called ending verb (it is a different name of a concept: instantaneous verb, also called terminating verb, ending verb). It means the result of action, or it means a short-term, one-time action, such as: close, leave, buy, join, come, begin, fall, fall ill, get to (know), C
How to add ing to the verb in English present continuous tense
Please give me another example
1. Generally add ing directly, such as playing, looking, etc. 2. If the e ending is not pronounced, remove E and add ing:have-- having; The conditions here must be satisfied: the ending of a consonant +
What verbs in English can express the future with the present continuous tense
In general, the verb of moving position can be used to indicate the future
For example: go, leave, move, remove, shift, change, etc
In other words, it means that the verb is moving in a certain direction, that is to say, it is moving in a certain direction. Therefore, the progressive tense of this verb indicates a future in the progressive state. There are many such verbs, such as come, arrive, get, approach, draw, reach, etc. For example: & nbsp; winter & nbsp; is & nbsp; drawing & nbsp; near. The & nbsp; Bus & nbsp; is & nbsp; coming & nbsp; in & nbsp; a & nbsp; minute. It's getting dark. He & nbsp; is & nbsp; leaving & nbsp; for & nbsp; Beijing & nbsp; tomorrow. (preparing to leave) & nbsp;
It is known that the function f (x) is an odd function defined on R. when x ≥ 0, f (x) = x (1 + x), the analytic expression of the function is obtained
The answer is f (x) = x (1 + x), X ≥ 0,
Yes, or you can have x greater than 0, X equal to 0, X less than 0, divided into three sections. Better
Given the quadratic function f (x) = x2 + ax + B, set a = {x f (x) = 2x} = {1,3}, try to find the value of F (- 2)
The solution is a = {x f (x) = 2x} = {1,3},
We know that the root of the equation f (x) = 2x is 1 or 3
That is, the root of x2 + ax + B = 2x is 1 or 3
That is, the root of equation x2 + (A-2) x + B = 0 is 1 or 3
The relationship between root and coefficient
(a = - 1) / 1
The solution is a = - 2, B = 3
That is, f (x) = x2-2x + 3
That is, f (- 2) = 2 square - 2 (- 2) + 3 = 11
How many elements are there in the set composed of real numbers x, - x, x, √ X & # 178;, - &# 179; √ X & # 179?
Up to 2
If x = 0, obviously the set has only one element
If x is not 0, x = x, or x = - x,
And because √ X & # 178; = x, - & # 179; √ X & # 179; = - x
So there are at most two elements
2. Please write down the problem-solving process based on the adoption of = =... X & sup2; simplified to X - & sup3; √ X & sup3; simplified to - X. these two numbers can be excluded (because the title has been given) if x is even, there are two elements, if x is odd, there are two elements, so there are at most two elements. Do you still not understand, you say x = x - x = - x =? √x²=? ... and then write what the set has.. ... unfold
2 questions: please write down the process of solving the problem based on adoption
Ask a mathematical problem: given the function f (x) = | x ^ 2-2x-3 |, what is the number of zeros of the function y = f [f (x)] - 1?
The [f [f (x [f [f (x) (x (x) (x (x) (x) (x (x) (x (x) (x (x) (x (x) (x ^ 2-2x-2-2x-2-2x-2-2x-2-2x-2-2x-3-3) ^ 2-2-2x-3 ^ 2-2x-3 ^ 2-2x-3 ^ 2-2x-3 ^ 2-2-2x-3-2-2-2x-2x-3-3-3-3-3-3-3; (x ^ 2-2-2x-2-2x-2-2-2x-3-2-2-2x-2-2-2-2-2-2-2x-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2x-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2x-3 | - 1) ^ 2 = 5 or (| (x ^ 2-2x-3) ^ 2 - 1 |) ^ 2 =
Then f [f (x)] = 1,
Let f (x) = t,
Then | T ^ 2-2t-3 | = 0.
The solution is t,
Then we substitute | x ^ 2-2x-3 | = t,
It's what you solve. I don't want to help you here. Follow up: Thank you for your answer. T = 1 √ 3, 1 - √ 3, 1 √ 7, 1 - √ 7. How do you think zero is eight?
Let f (x) = x2 + ax + B, set a = {x | f (x) = x} = {a}, find the value of real numbers a and B
x=f(x)x=x^2+ax+bx^2+(a-1)x+b = 0a is only solutionthen △ = 0(a-1)^2 - 4b = 0 => b =(a-1)^2/4also a is solution,thena^2 +(a-1)a + b = 0a^2+ (a-1)a +(a-1)^2/4 =08a^2-4a +(a-1)^2 = 09a^2 -6a + 1 = 0(3a-...
The answer is a = 0, B = 0
Or a = 1 / 3, B = 1 / 9
The answers are as follows:
From the set, we can know that f (x) - x = 0 has two same real roots and is a
That is, the discriminant of x2 + (A-1) x + B = 0 = (A-1) ^ 2-4b = 0
And the root of real number is 1-A / 2 = a
The solution is a = 1 / 3, B = 1 / 9
The set of real number solutions of the equation x & # 178; - 1 = 0
It's {- 1, 1}
The set of real number solutions of the equation x & # 178; - 1 = 0