Write sentences. Then change declarative sentences, interrogative sentences and negative sentences

Write sentences. Then change declarative sentences, interrogative sentences and negative sentences

Another group for you
future indefinite
Kate will go hiking this Sunday.
Will Kate go hiking this Sunday?
Kate won't go hiking this Sunday.
Present tense
Tom surfs the internet every evening.
Does Tom surf the internet every evening?
Tom doesn't surf the internet every evening.
General past tense
We planted trees last weekend.
Did you plant trees last weekend?
We didn't plant trees last weekend.
present progressive
They are cleaning the room now.
Are they cleaning the romm now?
They aren't cleaning the room now.
He didn't go to schooi yesterday
future indefinite
He will come tomorrow
Will he come tomorrow?
He will not come tomorrow
Present tense
I am ready
Are you ready?
I am not ready
General past tense
Write a declarative sentence, a interrogative sentence and a negative sentence
It's more detailed. It's homework
General present tense general past tense present continuous tense
Three kinds of sentences
Write statements, questions and negations
Three, three
I am go to english school today.I went to visit my grandparents.I am going to take a trip.My mother is a worker.who Can tell me? I am not have sick!
Present tense:
The earth moves around the sun.
does the earth move around the sun?'
i don't like this school.
General past tense
He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up.
Did he smoke a
Present tense:
The earth moves around the sun.
does the earth move around the sun?'
i don't like this school.
General past tense
He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up.
did he smoke a lot ten years ago?
I didn't take a walk in the morning.
present progressive
Listen! She is singing an English song.
what are you doing?
She is not singing an English song
I often go to school by bike
It was OK
He is running now
I am a student
How are you?
I don't know
Present tense
I'm student. Are you student? I'm not a student.
General past tense
I worked. Did you work? I didn't work.
present progressive
I'm studying. Are you studying? I'm not studying.
High school mathematics, master help! Known f (x) is a function, satisfy 3f (x + 1) - 2F (x-1) = 2x + 17, find f (x)
Would you please write down the process and reasons for solving the problem?
Especially the reason!
3 [a (x + 1) + b] - 2 [a (x-1) + b] = ax + (5a + b) = 2x + 17, why and why?
Contrast coefficient
a=2 b=7
Solution: Let f (x) = ax + B, then 3f (x + 1) - 2F (x-1) = 3 [a (x + 1) + b] - 2 [a (x-1) + b] = ax + (5a + b) = 2x + 17,
The comparison coefficient is a = 2 and 5A + B = 17,
F (x) = ax + B, where a is not equal to 0
Let's give a function satisfying f (AB) = f (a) f (b), a, B ∈ rational number
For any rational number AB (b) = a, f (b) = 0
Y = the square of X
All real numbers with square equal to 1
Send by enumeration
1 and - 1
It is known that the function f (x) = a − 12x + 1 defined on R is an odd function, where a is a real number. (1) find the value of a; (2) judge the monotonicity of function f (x) in its domain of definition and prove it; (3) when m + n ≠ 0, prove that f (m) + F (n) m + n > F (0)
(1) ∵ the function f (x) = a − 12x + 1 defined on R is odd, ∵ f (0) = A-12 = 0, ∵ a = 12 & nbsp; (2) from (1), f (x) = 12-12x + 1, which is an increasing function in the domain of definition R. it is proved that let X1 < X2, ∵ f (x1) - f (x2) = 12x2 + 1-12x1 + 1 = 2x1 − 2x2 (2x1 + 1) (2 & nbsp; x2 + 1), and let 0 < 2x1 < 2x2, 2x1-2x2 < 0, ∵ 2x1 − 2x2 (2x1 + 1) (2 & nbsp; (3) because the function f (x) is an increasing function on R, the slope of the line between any two points on the curve represented by the function is greater than zero, so when m ≠ n, f (m) − f (n) m − n > 0, we can get f (m) − f (− n) m − (− n) > 0 = f (0), that is, f (m) + F (n) m + n > F (0)
The function f (x) defined on R satisfies that when x > 0, f (x) > 1, and for any x, y belongs to R, f (x + y) = f (x) times f (y), f (1) = 2
(1) Finding the value of F (0)
(2) Proof: for any x belonging to R, f (x) > 0;
(3) The solution is (3-x2) > 4
(3) Zhongfei means F
1. If f (x + y) = f (x) times f (y), let x = 0, y = 1, then f (1) = f (0) * f (1), and f (1) = 2, then f (0) = 12, if x ≥ 0, f (x) > 0 holds. If x < 0, and y = - x, then f (x-x) = f (0) = f (x) * f (- x), then f (x) = 1 / F (- x)
B belongs to the minimum value of the real number set a plus B equal to the square of 1 a plus the square of B
It needs to be solved by quadratic inequality of one variable
Zero point five
When a = b = 1 / 2, the minimum value is 1 / 2
Let y = f (x) be an increasing function in R, and f (x) > 0. For any real number x and y, f (x + y) = f (x) f (y). When x > 0, f (x) > 1. (1) find the value of F (0). (2) if f (1) = 2, solve the inequality f (x) f (x + 1)
1. According to f (x + y) = f (x) f (y)
So f (0) = f (0 + 0) = f (0) f (0) = f (0) square
So f (0) = 1
So f (2) = f (1 + 1) = f (1) f (1) = 2 * 2 = 4
f(x)f(x +1)=f(x+x +1)=f(2x +1)
Because f (x) f (x + 1)
1. Let x = 0, if f (0 + y) = f (y) = f (0) f (y), then f (0) = 1
2. If f (x) f (x + 1) = f (x2 + x), if f (1) = 2, then 4 = 2 * 2 = f (1) * f (1) = f (2), if y = f (x) is an increasing function, then f (X2 + x)
If f (x) (x ∈ R) satisfies f ′ (x) > F (x), then when a > 0, the relation between F (a) and EAF (0) is ()
A. f(a)<eaf(0)B. f(a)>eaf(0)C. f(a)=eaf(0)D. f(a)≤eaf(0)
Let f (x) = E2x, then f '(x) = 2 · E2x, obviously satisfy f' (x) > F (x), f (a) = E2A, EAF (0) = EA, when a > 0, obviously & nbsp; & nbsp; E2A > EA, that is, f (a) > EAF (0), so choose B