The present tense, the past tense, the future tense, the present continuous tense, the past continuous tense, the present perfect tense

The present tense, the past tense, the future tense, the present continuous tense, the past continuous tense, the present perfect tense

Take do for example,
General present tense: do
Past tense: did
Will do
Is doing
Was / were doing
The present perfect tense: have / have done
Take do for example,
General present tense: do
Past tense: did
Will do
Is doing
Was / were doing
The present perfect tense: have / have done
There are five examples of the forms, features, auxiliary verbs and tenses of the general present tense, the general past tense, the general future tense and the present progressive tense
The tense of the simple present tense, the simple past tense, the present continuous tense, the past continuous tense, the general future tense, the present perfect tense
Short and to the point
Present tense
medical aircraft
General present tense. A temporal state indicating a normal, regular, habitual state or action (an event that occurs regularly in time)
Basic concepts
In general, the present tense is:
1. Time: refers to the time period in which the action takes place in the "present". Then, how long is the "present"? A month? A year? 10 years? 100 years? It depends on the nature of the action. The concept of "present" can be short or long, as long as the action usually takes place in the present. 2, One is "frequently occurring actions", such as getting up every day, eating, going to school, going to the supermarket or Xinhua Bookstore several times a week. Some of these events are regular, and some of them are done occasionally. These are all frequent events. We should tell people, The second is the state of things. For example, there is a map on the wall, he looks very energetic recently, Xiao Wang is a boy and so on. These are some long-standing states. The third is that some actions or states are eternal, such as the Yangtze River flows eastward, the earth rotates around the sun, For example, the examples cited in proverbs, the examples described in literary works, such as "a good horse doesn't eat back grass", etc. these actions have no past, present or future, so they are all counted as the general present tense
Common usage
1. Often or habitually used with time adverbial of frequency
2. The character, ability and characteristics of the subject
It means the present state
4. Express objective facts and universal truth
5. In time adverbial clauses and conditional adverbial clauses, the present time is often used to replace the future tense
The act of planning or arranging in advance
7. Replace the past tense with the present
8. When some verbs express state and feeling, they only use the general present tense instead of the continuous tense
9. It indicates the concrete action or the state of being that has happened now
Basic structure
Affirmative interrogative negative interrogative negative interrogative
I work. Do you work? I do not work. Don't you work?
You work. Do you work? You do not work. Don't you work?
We work. Do you work? We do not work. Don't you work?
They work. Do they work? They do not work. Don't they work?
He(She,It) works. Does he(she,it) work? He(She,It) does not work. Doesn't he(she it) work?
Pithy formula
When the subject is the third person singular
Affirmative subject + verb Sandan + others
Negative subject + doesn't + verb prototype + others
Do es + subject + verb prototype + others
Yes, subject + does
No, subject + doesn't
Special questions special questions + general questions
When the subject is not the third person singular
Affirmative subject + verb prototype + others
Negative subject + don't + verb prototype + others
General question do + subject + verb prototype + others
We must pay attention to the wrong structure
change rule
Case construction method pronunciation example words
Generally speaking, add - s clear consonant and then read / s/
Voiced consonants and vowels / Z / swim swims; help helps; like-
For words ending in O, add - s or - es and read / Z / goes, does
SS, SH, CH, X and so on
Words ending with the consonant + y change y into I, and then add es to read / Z / study studies
Specific application
1. Often or habitually used with time adverbial of frequency
Adverbials of time: always, normally, regularly, every morning / night / evening / day / week / year, of course, some times, occasionally, from time to time, twice a week, rely, seldom, once a month, hard, ever, never
e.g. I leave home for school at 7:00 every morning.
It means the character, ability, characteristic and state of the subject
3. Express objective facts and universal truth
4. In time adverbial clauses and conditional adverbial clauses, the present time is often used to replace the future tense
The act of planning or arranging in advance
6. The past tense is replaced by the present tense in novels. In order to reflect the freshness of news reports, the present tense is also used to express what happened in the past
7. When some verbs express state and feeling, they only use the general present tense instead of the continuous tense
8. It indicates the concrete action or the state of being that has happened
9 means in a maxim or aphorism
Note: if this usage appears in the object clause, even if the main clause is the past tense, the predicate of the clause should use the general present tense
I'm going back to the present
Expression method
It is mainly expressed by the change of predicate verb and time words, the most important of which is the change of predicate verb
1. If the subject is a plural noun and the first person I, we, the predicate verb does not need to make any changes, that is, it is still expressed by the verb prototype
2. If the subject is any singular noun or the third person singular, the predicate verb should be changed as necessary. In particular, uncountable nouns are also treated as singular
3. The changing rules of predicate verbs are as follows:
(1) Add - s, - es after the verb
read - reads,write - writes,say - says
(2) Add - es to words ending with s, x, CH, sh
teach - teaches,wash - washes,guess - guesses
(3) Words ending with the consonant + y change y to I and then add - es
try - tries,carry - carries
(4) Special changing words
Be (yes) - am, is, are
I am
She / he / it
We, you, they are in the plural
Have - have, has
1. We, you, they use have in the plural
She / he / it is
(5) Auxiliary verbs, no matter the singular or plural, no matter what person, have no change, all use can, may, must, need, out to, etc
Here's an example:
4. Time words in common use now
The words commonly used in the present general tense are some times / usally / often, every day [week, year], now, always, etc. Please remember that these time words are only auxiliary functions, and these words can also be used in other tenses, so the change of predicate verb is the key
question sentences
1. For the predicate verb or auxiliary verb is be, have, can / may / must, move these words before the subject
2. The predicate verb is a notional verb. The method is to add the auxiliary verb do or does before the subject. The verb in the sentence should use the prototype verb. Do is used in the first person and plural nouns, does is used in the third person singular and singular or uncountable nouns
Negative Patterns
1. The predicate verb or auxiliary verb is be, have, can / may / must, etc
2. The predicate is a notional verb, which is to add do not or does not before the predicate and change the predicate to the verb prototype
In some cases, the present tense can be used to express the future tense
1. The predicate verbs are: come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return, live, fly, etc
In time or conditional clauses, we usually use the present tense instead of the future tense
3. The predicate verb is the object clause after hope, take care that, make sure that, etc
4. This tense can be used with a time phrase to indicate a definite arrangement for the future
5. This usage replaces the present continuous tense
6. The difference between the two tenses is as follows:
(1) I'm leaving tone usually means I've decided to leave, but I'm leaving tone means it's part of a plan, but it's not necessarily my plan
(2) A department store planning to open a new branch is likely to say our new branch is opening next week instead of our new branch is opening next week
(3) For example, when it comes to a series of predetermined future actions such as itinerary arrangement, it can be said as follows:
We leave at six,arrive in Dublin at ten and take the plane on…
At 10 in Dublin, we arrive at By air
Instead of saying:
We are leaving at six, arriving in Dublin at ten and taking the plane on
Express the past
1. Used in some verbs (tell, say, hear, learn, gather, etc.) to express uncertain past time
John tells me you will leave tomorrow
I hear that he got married last month
Mary said that you told her to come over here
2. When you want to state an objective fact, sometimes even if there is an adverbial of past time, you can use the general present tense
The story is set in the summer of 1937
The story begins in the year 1937
Sentence pattern difference
The difference between the simple present tense and the present continuous tense
Understand the main meanings of the two tenses accurately
Present tense
1. It indicates the essential characteristics or objective existence of things, without time limit
The table ____ Soft. (feels) table characteristics
Japan ___ To the east of China
2. Regular and habitual behaviors at present can take frequency and time
The shop closes at 7:30 p.m.
Father doesn't smoke
It doesn't matter. Does it hurt